CHRISTMAS LESSONS 2014 --- #2 MARY (The Mother of Jesus) When - TopicsExpress


CHRISTMAS LESSONS 2014 --- #2 MARY (The Mother of Jesus) When the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary (the Mother of Jesus), he made 3 very important statements, with exclamation (excitement): “Rejoice (hail), highly favored one, the Lord is with you (GOD’S PRESENCE); blessed are you among women! (GOD’S BLESSINGS)” (Luke 1:28). 1) GOD’S FAVOR (“Highly favored one”) --- God’s special grace in your life, and opening of important doors for your progress and success in life, plus His approval upon your life. God’s selection of you for the accomplishment of His special purpose towards a specific destiny. 2) GOD’S PRESENCE WITH YOU (“The Lord is with you”) --- Experiencing the Presence of God’s Spirit with you at all times through commitment to Christ, Bible study and meditation, life of obedience, fervent prayers of faith, useful service, and holy living. 3) GOD’S BLESSINGS (Blessed are you among women) --- Knowing and experiencing God’s unique and choice blessings according to His favor upon your life, and His Presence with you. God pouring into your life, joy, happiness, provision, anointing, miraculous experiences, and His power, that will enable you to attain great achievements and success that are bestowed upon you in special ways. Lesson: In my opinion, these 3 qualities must be in the life of every chosen vessel of God for God’s special purposes; and these virtues must be in the life of every woman before she marries (if she understands that she will be pregnant and become a channel for God to bring other human beings into the world for God’s divine purposes). Every single lady must work towards these virtues as her primary goals in life, and must seek to get more of God’s favor, God’s Presence, and God’s blessings in her future marriage, family life, home, relationships, and entire life. Every married woman must constantly check herself to see if these qualities abound in her life as well. Absence of these 3 important virtues, is a major cause of many failed relationships, marriages, families, economic plans, social progress, and political initiatives in today’s carnal societies. Lacking of these factors provides the reason why many churches and ministries are weak because of weak foundations, since the people involved simply gather as church members from weak marriages and homes, and disorganized families that are without God’s favor, God’s holy Presence, and God’s genuine divine blessings. The man, who is going to marry the woman, to become her husband, must have these qualities first in his life, and be spiritually sound enough to patiently, humbly, diligently, and wisely help the lady to discover and maintain the foundations and grow in these qualities. Parents who raise the men and women from childhood, must guide and train them to finally acquire these important virtues for daily living. What makes you think (or believe) that God will excuse you; that you can live anyhow and get up to marry as a woman mainly according to your personal desires; or marry as a man without godly principles operating in your life? You cannot simply believe that you can carelessly selected a woman to marry without ensuring that the woman has lived a wise and holy life in obedience to the Lord, and therefore has a purpose in life, and has prepared herself for marriage and family life in a way that has caused God’s favor, God’s Presence, and God’s blessings to be upon her? Many of us are very disappointed and frustrated in life, because things are not going the way we expect, especially for relationships, marriage, home affairs, family life, finances, business, health, political realm, ministry, and advancement. The primary reason is that many of us jump the first two steps and try to grab God’s blessings, without starting from the beginning by using scripture, prayer, humility, faith, and obedience to seek for God’s favor, and allow God’s Holy Spirit and Presence to abide in our daily lives. Let us diligently order our lives in the right direction in 2015 with these guiding principles. Written by Dr. Samuel Kisseadoo. Professor of Biology, Virginia, USA. Ordained Licensed Minister, International Evangelist, Conference Speaker, Author. Relationships, Marriage, and Family Counselor. Founder and President of Fruitful Ministries International Inc. (an evangelistic & teaching ministry). Obtain additional rich information from Dr. Kisseadoos’s books in Accra, Ghana, at Challenge Bookstores or Calvary Baptist Bookstore at Adabraka (near Nkrumah Circle); or Baptist Bookstore at Amakom in Kumasi, Ghana (opposite Anglican High School); or call 233-208209567. Use his name “Dr. Samuel Kisseadoo” to search: RedLeadBooks or Amazon for some of his books. He can personally mail some copies to you as well. E-mail: kisseadoo@msn. Tune in to JOY 99.7 FM in Accra, Ghana to listen to Dr. Kisseadoo’s weekly broadcast “Hope For Your Family” on Sat. 5:30am-6am, Ghana time (12:30am-1:00am, US Eastern Time in Nov-March). Access the broadcast on the Internet with MYJOYONLINE.COM. Website for resources: fruitfulministriesint. Facebook --- DrSamuel Kisseadoo, or RevDr. Kisseadoo; or FM Int. Inc. For free counseling, programs, prayer, messages, books, speaking engagements, call Dr. Kisseadoo in Virginia on 1-757-7289330 (or call 233-20-8126533 in Accra or 233-275-353802 in Kumasi, Ghana). Ghana Fruitful Ministry E-mail: fmighana_accra@yahoo). In Ghana, call Tigo or Airtel 545 and follow the prompts for daily inspirational messages of Dr. Kisseadoo. Permission granted to freely share but with acknowledgement.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:28:40 +0000

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