CLING TO MY MOTHER IN ORDER TO OVERCOME YOURSELVES CS-12 27-Jun-97 Jesus Tomorrow you go to the convent of the dear little nuns and I want you to take this message. Do not stir up dust because you foul the air. Hold back your strong material desires and you will be saved… It is not rare to slide from the slight to the excessive and, regarding this subject, you know well that everything rests on the will and not on feelings. Beware of trying to find out why sometimes one’s feelings are excessive; one ends up losing oneself. To all mankind I guarantee My compassionate assistance. If I seem to remain absent during your trials, it is because I desire that the necessary effort to overcome yourselves may seem [to you] as if made by you alone. This is in order that I may reward you with greater abundance. He deserves more, who lifts a rock by himself than another who accepts help. But beware! It is only the appearance [of self-sufficiency] that I want to stir up or that I continually stir up in you for your good alone. Because through your overcoming of your trials, I must recognize that you have made your greatest effort during them, and that you have deserved My reward. Do you understand Me, girls, that you are wavering before the great golden gate of the paternal home by not making your mind up to enter it swiftly? How many things must I tell you to curb your stubbornness and soften the harshness in some of you! I can repeat My lessons ad infinitum because I shall never experience fatigue. But you who are seated at the desks of My school and who tire so quickly of following and listening to Me, how will you manage to avoid lending Me an ear if I have placed My Angels in front of the door of My school to prevent your escape and, for that same reason, I oblige you (even if it is in a sweet way) to listen to Me by force or by Love? Is it not good that I have a heart as big and immense as the Paradise that I want to give you? But take heart, My girls! Open your ears very well. If you are accustomed to failures, I, on the other hand, know nothing but victories and I cannot lose... I must conquer over you and you must lose... Cling to My Mother to overcome yourselves. I give you My blessing.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 13:41:46 +0000

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