(CNN) – Newly elected Rep. Vance McAllister asked for - TopicsExpress


(CNN) – Newly elected Rep. Vance McAllister asked for forgiveness from God, his family and his constituents after a local newspaper published what it said was surveillance video of the married Louisiana Republican making out with a female staffer. Dear Vance. God here. Would you do me a favor? Please keep me out of this? I have enough to deal with... what with global warming, dying oceans, wars and rumors of war (perpetrated mostly by all those men I created... WHAT WAS I THINKING)!! You ask for my forgiveness. For Gods sake man (pun intended), when will you folks realize that in order to forgive somebody you have to condemn them in the first place? Do you really believe that I, God, (or G-D as my Jewish children like to call me); do you really think that I suffer from all those human emotions which would lead me to condem you in the first place, and then (responding to your plaintive cries) suddenly change my mind and decide to forgive you? Get a life, dude. Seriously. Vance, in all due respect, I really dont care whom you make out with. All these rules and regulations you folks have come up with...I understand that they serve a purpose...but I have to tell you, I see through humanitys most atrocious behaviors (a lot worse than your hanky panky); I see through them into your Divine essence as a spark of All I Am. I also see the fearful, confused, comfort-craving, delusional, self-righteous, nasty, projecting behaviors you all exhibit. Which do you think I believe in? Do you really think I put energy into what isnt even real? Do you really think Im going to smack you on the head or send you an earthquake when you engage in these activities? What kind of a God do you think I am, for Gods sake. I am not saying there are no consequences...but the consequences are in the consciousness that you create. You make your own Hell and you keep blaming me for sending you there! (Do you really think I would concoct such a horrific place,,,it is utterly alien to all that I Am). All I am saying is that you are deluding yourself if you think the consequences to your behaviors come from me. Vance, youre in politics, so let me submit a truly revolutionary notion. This is absolutely not a judgment! I happen to have total love and respect for you. (There is way too much judgment on your planet and anyone who thinks they have the right to judge can take the issue up with me). Youve created a sticky wicket and you have to deal with it. But just suppose that you really felt my presence animating through you with all the power, delight, and compassion that makes me what I AM. OK, maybe not 24/7, but at least enough times so that you had this frame of reference to fall back on when things got cloudy. Suppose you felt my river of life, joy and creativity coursing through you. Instead of praying to me and asking for my fogiveness, suppose you got to know me a little better? What kind of relationships would you then have with your fellow humans? Take all your ideas of right and wrong out of the picture for the moment (I know this is one of the hardest things to do for you humans)...if you and I were really feeling our Oneness, as they say, how do you think you would relate to the lady on your staff, to your wife, to your worst enemy? Heres my revolutionary notion: I submit that once you humans learn to swim in my river of love...not as a being outside of yourself but as that which you truly are...you will naturally desire to relate to all beings with love, respect and honesty. There will be no need to sneak around, pretend or deceive anybody (especially yourself), Imagine life with the suffocating pressure of sin lifted off your shoulders, replaced with my exhillaring presence! No more sticky wickets. When the sludge starts to well up, you just call on me, which means you call on that part of yourself which IS me. I guarantee you I will never fail to respond. Lance, I love you. How can I not, when you are a spark of All I Am. I repeat, I dont want to pick on you. Im just trying to use you to make a point. I have a confession to make. Yes it is true that I do not interfere with your lives, nor do I judge you for your mistakes. But I, God, do have one overwhelming desire. It has been my desire since before your soul came into existence. Lance, I want you and all humanity, to know me, to palpably feel our Oneness, with every breath that you take. I have been patiently waiting for this for a very long time. Ted Slipinsky
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 13:55:55 +0000

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