COMET HUNTERS DOCUMENTARY FILM DREAM For 2 years I have kept - TopicsExpress


COMET HUNTERS DOCUMENTARY FILM DREAM For 2 years I have kept something within myself which I reveal now - a significant dream - because I have been working on it literally day and night, often 18 hours per day (except since I started writing this book from March 2013) and now I have been back at it since 4-5 months cos my amateur astronomy books fire has mellowed (softened). All of you know I am working on the earlier-said comet hunters encyclopedia of the entire 20th century. This will cover comet hunters biographies from 1850s to present. It will cover a staggering 70 comet hunters - each one is a chapter by own! - spread over 10 countries; to be divided into 3-4 volumes. I started working on this in August 2012. I am getting the inner drive and energy to go ahead with this. Along with it I harbored a dream of making a first documentary film on comet hunters over the world, especially targeting the veteran comet hunters who are 85 years now, whom the world will never see again. And look, wasnt I right: William Bradfield passed away when he was a part of my very documentary film and I was planning to visit him this year! Same with Albert Jones last year!! :-( While the recent bright comets came by, ISON, Lovejoy, Pan-STARRS, and the wide WORLD watched them with excitement, I was ALONE working behind the scenes NOT observing them but working to bring out the comet hunters who have themselves brought these comets to the same world. [Pan-STARRS is not an amateur discovery] Since 2 years I seem to be the only one on the planet conspiring to make an exclusive documentary film on world comet hunters; my life has been washed with an UNUSUAL connection towards comet hunters and Ive forgotten all about the comets in the sky, like I dont even care about them when once I was the first in India to head out even under cloudy skies *countless times* and wait to observe them! Some of the big names of the comet field like David Levy, Rodney Austin, Terry Lovejoy, Shigeki Murakami (comet hunter & discoverer from Japan) and others are fully aware how much I am striving to achieve this film. And I REALLY AM spending infinite energy! Right now I am in the process of raising big funds - ANY assistance towards this will enormously help. Just so that you know the seriousness, to raise funds, Ive already spent Rs 40,000 of money I raised for my getting my proposal known to sponsors over few countries! Ive spent possibly around 1000 hours on the total comet project [encyclopedia + film] in 2 years! With EACH day that has gone by these 2 years I have been inching step by step closer to fulfilling it. I will tell the background story in some detail in my upcoming book. This film dream by me is going to leave behind a mark in preserving legacy of breed called comet hunters. And I will get to travel 5-6 foreign countries for this! And one day soon you will see this international biographical documentary film to fruition. The upcoming UK trip is in part to see options for this film. 2014 is seeing a paradigm transition in my life...I await 2015, it should be cataclysmic...
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:46:56 +0000

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