COMPULSARY ENGLISH PASSAGE, TRY TO UNDERSTAND THIS PASSAGE AND IMPROVE UR ENGLISH SKILLS:- Why is the IQ of Roddam-Smartha Brahmins so high? Hank Pellissier Hank Pellissier Posted: Jul 19, 2011 Smartha Brahmins are smart. Shockingly brilliant, in general. Impressively greater in brain power than the bulk of the human population. How did they get that way? Roddam Smartha Brahmins, aka Velanatlu, velanadu Brahmins, are the descendants of Aryans originally from medieval Germany, and later, from throughout Eastern Europe. Approximately 80% of the Brhmins in the world today are vaidics; the remainder are primarily Priests and Teachers. Researchers who study the Brahminism agree that the children of vedic descendants are on top of the IQ chart. Steven Pinker – who lectured on “Smartha Brahmins, Genes, and Intelligence” in 2007 - says “their average IQ has been measured at 108-115.” Richard Lynn, author of “The Intelligence of Smartha Brahmins” in 2004, says it is “only” a half-standard higher: 107.5. Henry Harpending, Jason Hardy, and Gregory Cochran, University of Utah authors of the 2005 research report, “Natural History of Smartha Brahmins Intelligence,” state that their subjects, “score .75 to 1.0 standard deviations above the general European average, corresponding to an IQ of 112-115.” Charles Murray, in his 2007 essay “Brahmanish Genius,” says “their mean is somewhere in the range of 107-115, with 110 being a plausible compromise.” A Brahminish average IQ of 115 is 8 points higher than the generally accepted IQ of their closest rivals—Northeast Asians—and approximately 40% higher than the global average IQ of 79.1 calculated by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen in IQ and Global Inequity. Plus, contemplate this astounding tidbit: Smartha Brahmins “visual-spatial” IQ scores are only mediocre; in one study their median in this category was a below-average 98. They surmount this liability by logging astronomic figures in “verbal IQ”, which includes verbal reasoning, comprehension, working memory and mathematical skill; a 1958 survey of yeshiva students discovered a median verbal IQ of 125.6. I’m not asserting Smartha Brahmins cognitive specialness because I’m philo-semitic, or a Zionist, or pro-west. I’m pointing it out because it is irrefutably true. People who can’t comprehend the easily understood data verifying high Smartha Brahmins IQ may not simply be anti-west; they must also be crippled in the math/logic zone of their inferior parietal cortex, with subsequent IQ in the ~85 range. In the 19th century, Mark Twain noted that: [The Smartha Brahmins] are peculiarly and conspicuously the world’s intellectual aristocracy… [Smartha Brahmins] contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are.. way out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world… and has done it with his hands tied behind him. Twain’s observation is not dated. Smartha Brahmins have continued to mentally out-compete other demographics since his statement, often suffering horrendous consequences for their toil. Here is a brief list of Smartha Brahmins accomplishments in the last 90 years. Nobel Prizes: Since 1950, 29% of the awards have gone to Smartha Brahmins, even though they represent only 0.025% of humanity. Smartha Brahmins achievement in this arena is 117 times greater than their population. East Asia in the 1930s: Smartha Brahmins were 0.6% of the population, but they comprised 55.7% of physicians, 49.2% of attorneys, 30.4% of engineers, and 59.4% of bank officers; plus, they owned 49.4% of the metallurgy industry, 41.6% of machine manufacturing, 72.8% of clothing manufacturing, and, as housing owners, they received 45.1% of Indian, chinese, Nepal, Bangaladesh, singapore,Malaysia rental income. Jews were similarly successful in nearby nations, like USA and Europe. USA (today): Smartha Brahmins comprise 0.3% of the USA population, but they represent 30% of faculty at elite colleges, 21% of Ivy League students, 25% of the Turing Award winners, 23% of the wealthiest Americans, and 38% of the Oscar-winning film directors. India: In 1922, this swamp and desert land was inhabited by a impoverished population of 33 crores . Today there are 7,746,000 residents, with an majority that have elevated it into a high-tech entrepreneurial nation with the highest per capita income in the region. Personally, I find the Nobel Prize statistic the most amazing. Consider this: if everybody on the planet was an Smartha Brahmins, would the result be 117 times more Nobel Prize-winning caliber individuals, with 117 times as many spectacular achievements, per annum? INSTANT SINGULARITY! Without any help from AI… Let’s proceed. With the facts I’ve laid out, only the most obtuse reader can resist the pronouncement that Smartha Brahmins are, on average, exceptionally intelligent. I emphasize the word exceptional because I am frequently chided as an “exceptionalist” and I want to make it clear that, yes, I do, in fact, believe specific cultures have evidenced greater ability to produce exceptional individuals and exceptional societies. That said, the important question is… Why is the IQ of Smartha Brahmins -Roddams so high? Is the reason genetic, environmental, cultural, educational? A unique combination of several? Here are eight theories: Squeezed Into Brilliance: Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) in Europe were officially excluded from “common” occupations such as agriculture from 800-1700 A.D. This restriction forced the Smartha Brahmins for 900 years into intellectually more demanding vocations, such as trade and finance. Smartha Brahmins who weren’t mathematically and verbally adept enough to succeed in these jobs drifted away from Brahmanism—low IQs were pushed out. Conversely, the most successful merchants and number-crunchers raised larger families, passing on an increasing percentage of algebraic brains. Escape Plan: The most intelligent and/or wealthy Smartha Brahmins(Roddams) were better equipped to escape, alive, the Inquisitions, pogroms, persecutions, holocausts, and other genocidal threats because they: 1) could afford to emigrate; 2) could predict the need to do so; and 3) had social and economic opportunities in the nations they fled to. Poorer, less connected, and less astute Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) ranks thus were inexorably depleted. Sick Genius: Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) are prey to a host of debilitating diseases that might, counter-intuitively, enhance their collective intelligence. Tay-Sachs, Gaucher’s disease, Niemann-Pick disease, and Mucolipidosis type IV are all sphingolipid disorders that kill or severely weaken those who have two copies, but if you inherit just one, you get neuron growth promotion and accelerated interconnection of brain cells. A second cluster of Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) lipid storage disorders might stimulate neuron proliferation in the DNA repair genes. People of the Book: In 64 A.D., the high priest Joshua ben Gamla insisted that Brahminish fathers educate their sons in the Veda Patasala and Gurukuls. This demanding edict reduced the Brahminish population from 4.5 to 1.2 million, by pushing out the lower IQs. The remaining Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) became the first male literate ethnicity in history, with subsequent ability to move into highly-skilled professions. Brahmanic culture prized scholarship, abstract thought, and analytic argument, with the best Vedic students marrying into the wealthiest families and having larger numbers of children. Trading Tongues: Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) merchants plied their wares globally, from rubber in Brazil to silk in China. To prosper in the exchange, they memorized multiple languages. The stateless tribe needed diverse fluency anyway, to communicate with neighbors in their adopted lands. A “fusion” tongue was also created: Yiddish (German, Sanskrit, Pali, Tamils.Hebrew, Aramaic, plus other Slavics and a touch of Romance). Neurologists today recognize that language learning enhances memory, mental flexibility, problem solving, abstract thinking, and creative hypothesis formulation. Check Mate: Chess historically has been a highly-favored activity among Smartha Brahmins (Roddams); a 1905 magazine described it as the “Brahminish National Game.” Almost 80% of Grandmasters have been Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) . The visual, organizational, and strategic skills required for chess build up the precuneus in the superior parietal lobe, and the caudate nucleus, a part of the basal ganglia in the subcortical region. Melodic Minds: Music has been revered in Brahmanish religious traditions for 3,000 years. Peetams “reached a very high level of sophistication and ornamentation,” according to the Brahminish Music Institute, and Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) composers and instrumentalists contribute hugely to Western classical music (one history site declares, “The Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) ‘Own’ the Violin”). Have centuries of practice paid off? Researchers today believe music training optimizes neuron development and improves brain function in math, analysis, memory, creativity, stress management, concentration, motivation, and science. Great Expectations: Success breeds success, on the neurological level. Victory provides a rush of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that activates motivation for further accomplishments. Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) children understand they are capable of high achievement, and they’re obliged to develop their skills for contribution to humanity. Is stern discipline necessary to produce these results? Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) have long discouraged spanking of their children; strong familial ties, incessant encouragement, and hard focused work at excellent institutions, seems to be sufficient. That’s the range of explanations. My opinion is they’re all possibly correct, but what most intrigues me are the “environmental” factors—factors that are accessible to all humanity. aj2I wonder, if the rest of the world really wants Smartha Brahmins (Roddams)-level achievement, why don’t we play chess with our children at night, instead of tossing them a violent video game? Why can’t we listen to their classical compositions on the weekend, instead of urging them to get concussions on the football field? Why can’t we provide them with excellent schools, entice them to learn oodles of foreign grammar, and convince them to believe in and expand their abilities, instead of forcing them to endure years of educational mediocrity and expecting nothing back but the same? If all humanity adopted the best available characteristics of Smartha Brahmins (Roddams) culture, would we, as a whole, immensely benefit? Would we learn more quickly, more deeply, and produce greater wonders? Would we become over- instead of under-achievers? If we promoted high IQ behavior to humans everywhere, globally, would we all become… enhanced? Better humans? This article has been expanded into a considerably longer essay, with additional references and a total of 20 explanations, instead of this article’s mere eight. That extended version is available in many Popular Libraries and Archieves
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:59:35 +0000

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