CONCERTS AND NASHEEDS CONTAMINATED ENTERTAINMENT In recent times, there has been a surge of interest in Nasheeds, Nazms and poetry. This new trend which has engaged many Muslims, especially the young has created a lucrative industry. The force of this trend is so overwhelming that it has overtaken even Deeni-conscious Muslims. Undoubtedly, poetry has its valid position in Islam. However, current trends seem to exceed the Shar’i limitation on poetry. In former times, poetry was a vehicle used to instill Islamic values in the hearts. It was generally composed by sincere and pious persons, who themselves diligently practiced on the Shariah. The wordings were used to invoke emotions of love for Allah Ta’ala and the Deen. The result used to be that the listener would become a more ardent follower of the Shariah. Unfortunately, today it has become mere entertainment. Besides it being mere entertainment devoid of any spiritual benefit, the nature of certain Nasheeds have become Haraam and prohibited in the Shariah. Certain individuals and “bands” are producing Nasheeds and “Islamic” songs without the use of musical instruments. However, Musical sounds are created in the background using the mouth and other parts of the body. These Nasheeds and concerts are promoted to Muslims with attractive “Islamic” names and titles. The Iftaa Committee of the Jamiat has thoroughly researched this concept and determined that musical sounds and effects created and produced through any part of the body or through the agency of any instrument is clearly prohibited. The Fuqaha (jurists) are categoric that ALL music, irrespective of how it is produced is prohibited in Islam. Hence, such songs and Nasheeds fall directly under the category of music itself. Notably, this is also the view of many leading Arab Ulama*. Every Muslim understands that music is prohibited. Thus, there can be no doubt in the impermissibility of such Nasheeds. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, “There will come a time when people of my Ummah will declare Zina, silk, wine and music to be Halaal (permissible). Allah will destroy such people overnight and those who are not destroyed will be turned into monkeys and swines till the day of judgement.” (Sahih al-Bukhari #: 5590). This new industry of so-called Islamic Nasheeds has certain salient resemblances to the world of pop and rock music. The composers are themselves, in most cases, those who do not live their lives in conformity with the Shariah. Some of these poets and performers imitate western counterparts-the rock and pop groups- in appearance, style, dressing, tune, etc. Since these songs are marketed as “Islamic” demand has grown amongst Muslims. Now the public is invited to attractive “Islamic” Nasheed concerts. Such events are totally against the spirit of the Shariah. Those who are engaged in producing such music should earnestly do a close self introspection of their actions and objectives. If they realize that they have erred, they should immediately repent and abandon this evil business. Those who intend attending these concerts should honestly evaluate their motives and base desires. Will our actions draw the pleasure or displeasure of Allah? Are we emulating our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) or following in the footsteps of the disbelievers? The Muslim Ummah is urged to abstain from attending events that endanger of our Imaan. * Juz’ Fi Hukmil Ieqa’aat. Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians 223 Alpine Road, Overport, Durban Tel : +27 (0) 31 2077099 Fax : +27(0) 31 2074163 Website :
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 06:34:02 +0000

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