CONDOLESCENCE TO BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO WERE VICTIMS OF THE WESTGATE ALL I Mr. Bernard cheruiyot learned of the cruel hands of these criminals with deep sorrow and awe and condemn. To the families of the fallen victims May the good God condoled with all those who lost their valued ones by this “attackers” I salute all acts of sacrifice and valor, the incredible display of generosity and innate nobility of your hearts have unique manifest intention I saw the blood of Aturkana transfused to a white man and the vise versa and I say may the good God bless this unique sense of humanity. Again I extend comfort to the bereaved and pray that may God wipe away tears of mothers, sisters and grandmothers and that may he ease the pain in the hearts of their fathers, brothers and grandfathers. I also salute the many ordinary Kenyans who refuse to be bullied and picked up their arms to save fellow compatriots and human beings. I notice these rare acts of patriotism and love. I also notice that their objective which was out to divide us targeted all black and white Muslims and Christians Hindus and Jews I asked my fellow Kenyans that we called this attackers by their name “terrorist”.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 08:54:54 +0000

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