**CONFESSION TIME** Worries and stress were something I learned - TopicsExpress


**CONFESSION TIME** Worries and stress were something I learned to let go and let God have. Even in tough situations. Id let it roll down my back and keep trucking along because I knew God was with me. Some people looked at my stress free way of thinking as abnormal because I was so positive in all circumstances, until today. This morning I woke up, looked myself in the mirror and didnt honestly know who was looking back at me. My carefree, stress free personality had been slowly disappearing and I finally was able to admit to myself that I wasnt who I used to be. The fire and peace that once was was no more. It had been so long since I had to rediscover it, I didnt know where to start except by looking to God for help. To come rescue His baby girl because the unsettling and rocky feeling inside of me needed to go! I wanted His peace back! I wanted the joy, carefree, stress free, worry free that He gives me! Opening my daily reading, this the first thing I read. The verse that followed hit even harder. Moments like this, I dont understand how an individual cant believe in God. I didnt dig around searching for an answer. I opened my Bible app like I do every morning and BAM! God hit me with a 2x4! He hates to see His children suffer. He hates to see us struggle. If youre going through something today, a rough patch in life, need direction or dont even know what youre feeling but you know you feel empty, lost or uneasy inside.....God doesnt care if its been days, months or even years since Hes heard from you, talk to Him. You saw how quick He was to respond to my cry. What does it hurt to try? No, Im not 100% back to who I used to be but the heavy feeling on my heart is gone. Someday Ill be back to normal, if not stronger and better than who I used to be. In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6, 7 ASV)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:36:38 +0000

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