CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU! JULY 2ND DAY OF ACTION AGAINST THE CHAINED CPI A HUGE SUCCESS Yesterday, thousands of seniors, people with disabilities, working families and young people participated in events around the country – over 50 – to protest the chained CPI and to protect and improve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The Alliance for Retired Americans stated in their July 3rd Alert that the ARA received more press and attention on this one day of action on this issue than ever before in their history. They have posted some of the press clips, videos, and photos from around the country on their website – check it out at In California, CARA members participated in two incredible events. At noon in Los Angeles, over 300 people held a rally and created a human chain at the office of Congresswoman Maxine Waters – a true champion for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The Congresswoman joined the rally and was presented an award for being a Champion. You can view Video 1 (:40), Video 2 (4:24) and photos from the Los Angeles event here At 4pm in San Francisco, over 500 people gathered at the Federal building (and office of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi) for a rally, and created a human chain around the Fed. Building plaza. The group then marched down Market Street distributing 1000s of flyers and postcards as folks left work for the day, ending at Senator Feinstein’s office for a final rally – and were joined by SEIU and the striking BART workers to show our mutual support for one another’s issues. You can view Video 1 (2:52), Video 2 (0:50), Video 3 (0:44), Video 4 (0:13), Video 5 (1:08), Video 6 (9:53), and photos from the San Francisco event here Yesterday was truly a great day to make our voices heard across the nation against the Chained CPI and to protect our social insurance programs. But our work is far from over. We must keep pushing forward. Here’s what you can do to keep the momentum going and growing: 1. Call the President (202) 456-1414, Senators Feinstein and Boxer, and Your Congressperson (877) 762-8762 and tell them- No Chained CPI and NO CUTS to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. 2. Ask your friends, family members, and colleagues to call Congress and the President too – we need everyone around the country to call. 3. Take this flyer to your local community groups, libraries, union halls, congregations, and senior centers – Help spread the word. Join CARA and other groups to stay involved and informed. Go to the CARA website at to find out about meetings in your area, and other activities. A great big thank you goes to each of you who helped organize, publicize, and support these events. And to those of you who were able to attend in person – You Rock!!! Keep up the good work everyone. Celebrate Your Independence tomorrow – the Independence that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid provide you and your family.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:44:46 +0000

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