CONNECTED ART: SPOTLIGHTING TALENTED ARTISTS IN THE CONNECTED WORLD! From SAN DIEGO, USA. (Photographer/Artist). Name: Dara Navasak Location: San Diego Occupation: Self-Freelance/Technician Website: DNavasak or Facebook/DNavasak Credits: When and how did you get started in art and photography? I started at a young age, my dad was an artist and a huge inspiration for me. Started like anyone else, doodling for fun and trying to get better and better. I got into photography because of some close friends then really started to advanced into my own when I wanted to capture other forms of art. What was your first piece you created that made you know you had talent? I think it was in 5th grade, I remember drawing Goku for the first time and as a child, when people are impressed, it freaked me out cause everyone thought it was amazing except me. I guess that sort of generated that motivation to keep at it with the hope to inspire others. As far as photography goes, kind of the same fashion but it was more or less being able to capture an image the way I saw it and having people share that image with me. What was the most difficult character? Tyrion Lannister probably right now. Im never usually satisfied because I know can push further and further so I think the more I continue to draw, the more I push my limits. Photoshoots on the other hand is always fun, especially cosplaying because everyone is just getting into character. What characters are you planning for the future? I have a couple drawings coming up, Home Alone for the holidays and some other surprises. What are you listening to? What am I not listening to? I have a long list of go to songs depending on what Im working on, but go to song is P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson for some reason. Favorite Movies? Although I love movies in general, my all time is Back to the Future. Can watch that over and over, that, Fight Club and Shaun of the Dead. Favorite Animes? Last anime I watched was Kill la Kill, but favorite is Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. Favorite TV Shows? Again like movies, too much to list but Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Breaking Bad, Fargo, Mad Men, Newsroom, list goes on. Books? Wall and Piece by Banksy and Scorpions by Walter Dean Myers. Games? As of now, Mario Kart 8, but if all time, Street Fighter hands down. Beverage? Straight water nowadays, kicked the caffeine years ago. Although Thai tea, I would now and then. Junk Food? Dont necessarily eat junk food, is Carne Asada Fries junk food? If yes, than Carne Asada Fries. Manga vs. Comic Book, which do you choose and why? Comic books for sure. Having been to many comic cons and working with cosplayers, comic book characters seem to be more relatable. Not to say Mangas arent, but given the history behind such iconic characters like Superman or Spider-man, its just fascinating how much it has progress where were watching huge blockbuster movies and dressing up as them in this new generation. Again I appreciate the Manga history as well, just Comics intrigue me more. Ice cream? Cookies and cream. Favorite Breakfast cereal? French Toast Crunch! What was your favorite toy growing up? I grew up with Ninja Turtles and GI Joe. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to take care of them cause they sell for thousands now. Who is your biggest character crush and why? Man these are tough questions... but Ill say it, Chun Li from Street Fighter. Fearless woman who can kick your ass but classy. You are on top of the tallest buidling in the world. There are THREE GHOULS with wings and armed with swords about to battle you. If you defeat them you must then use your brain to solve a ancient puzzle to get off the roof of the building. What character would you want to be and how would you handle the situation? Batman sounds like the logical pick. Master detective with access to a plethora of gadgets and years of experience with hand to hand combat. Im sure he would handle the situation better while I sit in the corner crying, probably trying to call Ghostbusters. If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do? I dont want to pick an easy answer like Superman or something so I would choose Rocket Racoon. I would be his replacement Groot, but oddly enough still voiced by Vin Diesel. What advice would you give to people getting started in art or photography? My advice would be just to keep pushing yourself forward and keep your patience. The more you practice, the better you will be. Not saying Im a pro, but pros that I have talked to are always seeking ways to improve because no one is ever perfect. If you are persistent and enjoy what you are doing, then there is no stopping on how far you can really go.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:58:59 +0000

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