CONNECTING THE DOTS ON EGYPT/MORSI/OBAMA ...And it appears that - TopicsExpress


CONNECTING THE DOTS ON EGYPT/MORSI/OBAMA ...And it appears that the dots lead straight back to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. Recordings reveal that The United States of America was involved in direct contact with AlQaeda through Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood network in Egypt, and once again, like a bad penny, this $8 Billion (US) bribe from Obama to Morsi to put Hamas and AlQaeda into the Epytian portion of the Sinai pops back up. That $8 Billion American Dollars just wont go away! The truly wise will read the entire article, its well worth reading. EXCERPTS FROM THIS ARTICLE; link is below-- On January 2013, Khairat Al-Shater (the deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood Leader in Egypt), and Issam Al-Hadad, Morsi’s Counselor for foreign affairs, made direct calls with Al-Qaeda Organization from inside the US Embassy in Cairo. The First Secretary of the US Embassy in Cairo had a direct call with Issam Al-Hadad (ousted president’s counselor for foreign affairs), and informed him that an American delegate from the CIA was in Egypt for a visit, and the CIA delegate wanted to hold a meeting with Khairat Al-Shater (the deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood Leader in Egypt). In that meeting held between the CIA delegate and Khairat Al-Shater, the CIA asked both Essam Al-Hadad and Khairat Al-Shater, that they are seeking the Muslim Brotherhood assistance in facilitating the American’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. The CIA delegate asked the Muslim Brotherhood Organization to have a direct contact with Al-Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri in order to make that withdrawal deal, specially that Al-Qaeda Leader is the cousin of Refaa Rifaa Al-Tahtawy, Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic Mohamed Morsi. The Muslim Brotherhood Headquarter’s leadership in Cairo Egypt, agreed to carry out the American’s CIA delegate’s request, in favor of the USA. In return, the Muslim Brotherhood were assured through that deal, that they would be able to do whatever they wanted in relation to their plans in Egypt, under the United States cover, blessings and sponsorship. ... Also, the Muslim Brotherhood made also a deal with Al-Qaeda to help them get to Egypt, through Libya, then to Sinai, and finally to Egypt where they would work with the Muslim Brotherhood regime against their enemies, including Israel and America. Muslim Brotherhood believes that American withdrawal from Afghanistan, means defeat for the Americans, and a victory to Al-Qaeda, and Al-Qaeda should take advantage of the situation, and facilitate the USA withdrawal from Afghanistan. All those calls, meetings, and agreements as the recordings show, were totally blessed by Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Headquarters in Egypt and The United States of America. Recordings also reveal that Muslim Brotherhood coordinated with Hamas Organization in Gaza strip, the necessary preparations of all Al-Qaeda’s members who entered Egypt through the Libyan borders, to move them all to Sinai. (Apparently this was part of the Obama-Morsi $8 billion deal to give 40% of Sinai to Hamas: shocker-from-arabic-media-secret-8-billion-deal-between-obama-and-the-muslim-brotherhood) barenakedislam/2013/11/02/exposed-in-egypt-the-barack-hussein-obama-muslim-brotherhood-al-qaeda-alliance/
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:10:52 +0000

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