CONSERVATIVE CHICKEN-HAWKS START TWO WARS AT ONCE! Here are some of the prominent neo-conservatives associated or influential with the George Bush administration who desperately wanted to invade Iraq long before Bush even took office. The 9/11 terrorist attacks gave them a pseudo-rationale for going after Saddam Hussein and his oilfields, even though Saddam and Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. So the neocon chicken-hawks had to first start a war in Afghanistan, ostensibly to go after Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden for actually devising the attack, and punish the Afghan Taliban for allowing Al Qaeda to train in their country. • George W. Bush + - President • Dick Cheney * - Vice-President •Donald Rumsfeld - Defense Secretary • John Ashcroft * - Attorney General • Paul Wolfowitz * - Assistant Defense Secretary • Richard Perle * - Department of Defense Official • Karl Rove * - Special Advisor to the President • Scooter Libby * - Special Advisor to the Vice-President • Douglas Feith * - Department of Defense Official • Condoleeza Rice * - National Security Advisor • Tom Delay * - House Majority Leader • Bill Frist * - Senate Majority Leader • Dennis Hastert * - Speaker of the House • Roy Blunt * - House Whip • John Bolton * - United Nations Ambassador (recess appointment) • Saxby Chambliss * - Senator, Georgia • Paul Ryan * - House Representative, Wisconsin • Phil Gramm * - House Representative, Texas • Trent Lott * - Senator, Tennessee • Rudy Giuliani * - Mayor, New York • Rick Santorum * - Senator, Pennsylvania • Jon Kyl * - Senator, Arizona • Jeb Bush * - Governor, Florida These politicos were egged on by media types: Bill Kristol*, David Brooks*, Pat Buchanan*, Ann Coulter*, Lou Dobbs*, Sean Hannity*, Rush Limbaugh*, Brit Hume*, Bill OReilly*, Michael Savage*, George Will*, Bill Bennett*, along with just about all other on-air personalities at Fox News and Clear Channel Radio. NONE OF THESE CONSERVATIVES HAD ANY COMBAT EXPERIENCE... AND MOST HAD NO MILITARY EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER (*) OR JUST A CUP OF COFFEE IN UNIFORM (+) ... A PARADE OF CONSERVATIVE CHICKEN-HAWKS WHO WILLFULLY, GLEEFULLY & CLUELESSLY LED THE WAY INTO THE QUAGMIRES, KILLING AND MAIMING FIELDS OF AFGHANISTAN & IRAQ. And dont forget that these chicken-hawks and their minions took delight in savaging actual combat veterans (who happened to be Democrats) such as John Kerry, Jack Murtha, Max Cleland, Jim Webb, Joe Sestak, Bob Kerrey, Gray Davis, Wesley Clark, and any others who dared to object to the run-up to double war. If you or your family member had a wonderful time in either Afghanistan or Iraq, you can thank this clique of conservative chicken-hawks.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 00:28:49 +0000

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