CORRUPTION AT ITS BEST & WORST FOR TAX PAYERS---- OBAMA AND HIS ADMINISTRATION ARE THE WORST THIEVES EVER TO DARKEN THE DOORS OF OUR WHITEHOUSE & WASHINGTON D. C. FOLKS THERE IS NO TELLING HOW MUCH OF OUR TAX DOLLARS THESE THEIVES HAVE STOLEN UNDER THE GUISE OF OBAMACARE, AND ALL THE OTHER FAILED GREEN ENERGY COMPANIES OUR TAX DOLLARS FUNDED AND ALL OF THEM WENT BANKRUPT...IMAGINE THAT -- BILLIONS OF DOLLARS HANDED TO THESE THEIVES AND ??....BANKRUPT MY A$$ --- BETTER YET STOLEN UNDER GUISE OF BANKRUPT...........AND POOF ITS GONE ....... Heres MOST of the problem with Obamacare......look whos in charge and look who that person knows personally.......ring any bells.......and always outside of the United States.....makes a lot of sense, doesnt it?? All of this corruption......and people thought that Nixon was bad......holy cow!!!!!! Subject: Pure Chicago corruption Michelle Obamas Princeton classmate is an executive at the company that built Obamacare website. First Lady Michelle Obamas Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the no-bid contract to build the failed Obamacare website.Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of 85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company. Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni. Toni Townes is a one time policy analyst with the General Accounting Office and previously served in the Peace Corps in Gabon, West Africa. Her decision to return to work, as an African-American woman, after six years of raising kids was applauded by a Princeton alumni publication in 1998 George Schindler, the President for U.S. and Canada of the Canadian-based CGI Group, CGI Federals parent company, became an Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract. On the government end, construction of the disastrous website was overseen by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a division of longtime failed website-builder Kathleen Sebelius Department of Health and Human Services.CGI Federal did not immediately return a request for comment._______________________________________________ Soooooo...........Lets see if we can connect the dots here ... 1.) No American companies considered 2.) A Canadian company hired 3.) No Bid contract for 93 million dollars ... 4.) Top executive at Website building firm went to school with Michelle Obama. 5.) Previous experience building gun registry for canadian government 6.) Fired by Canadian Government for overruns that cost Canada 100 million dollars. 4.) Overruns for Obamacare enrollment website now costing U.S.TAX PAYERS-- $678,000,000.00 = $678 Million dollars Does this bother anybody else besides me? And this is just one of their corrupt enterprises. The Obamas are worse than Bernie Madoff and far more dangerous to the country. These thieves and traitors should be in jail for the rest of their lives. FOLKS THESE THIEVES HAVE TO GO -- ALL OF THEM
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 04:05:41 +0000

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