**** COULD THESE 3 SIMPLE CHANGES TO BANKING FIX THE ECONOMY? Rothschild Conspiracy International Banking Cartel and The Federal Reserve SubscriptionFreeTV https://youtube/watch?v=NzyOtl4MDC4 ABOUT MADNESS AND HUMAN LESS CRIMES OF NWO “Leaders” OVER INNOCENT, DEFENSELESS AND IGNORANTE TERRESTRIAL HUMAN NATIONS *** Holodomor- 1932-33 Ukrainians Starved To Death By Jew Lazar Kaganovich annynameatall https://youtube/watch?v=a_dPS362OHY HOLODOMOR (1932-33), 75TH ANNIVERSARY: OVER A PERIOD OF JUST 18 MONTHS ON THE MOST FERTILE LAND IN EUROPE, 7 MILLION PEOPLE, A THIRD OF THEM CHILDREN, WERE BRUTALLY AND SYSTEMATICALLY STARVED TO DEATH. UKRAINE REMEMBERS. THE WORLD ACKNOWLEDGES. Could These 3 Simple Changes to Banking Fix the Economy? by Positive Money https://youtube/watch?v=eHQ7wvWzUW0 Dear Terrestrial Humans: Unfortunately, the recommendations and ideas of the Positive Money People were elaborated and tried to be done before. Their initiative is good but is not feasible, simply because this idea already was attempted in the past and was stopped in the most cruel and criminal manner or way by the NWO Criminal Leaders (THE ESTABLISHMENT on Earth), thru its army of mercenaries, the CIA. Especially in the USA, but people who tried to do this...they were killed, assassinated by NWO leaders thru its criminal and mad armies of mercenaries i.e. JFK was murdered by hands of CIA, ordered by NWO Leaders , and many, many other high and low good and responsible American Personalities/Citizens. You cannot modify this Money System, as it is. Because your “high-civilized” human society and “modern” system of life are based on greed, selfishness and madness. This is it! And to try to modify your MONEY SYSTEM, it is like you try to overthrow the Establishment, the Powerful Elites on Earth; and to do this requires another strategy and method. FIRST STEP TO FIX OUR ECONOMY AND HUMAN LIFE SYSTEM is to STOP THE MONSTROUS HUMAN OVER-POPULATION, thru a TOTAL HALT TO ANY NEW BIRTH, ALL HUMAN NATIONS, and WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS. And just to do this, it is an amazing and gigantic challenge and task... And to do this we need, we have to explain to Earth Human Nations about the TRUE TRUTH. I.e. To explain to all human nations and governments about the TRUTH OF THE BILLY MEIER CASE. Which is the most important human event on Earth History. Then, I calculate, people should understand their own situations, and responsibility with their own life and future generations on planet Earth, and for a sustainable natural life environment rescue plan. And this process has to be managed and directed by the TRUE WISE HUMANS BEINGS in every human nation, in every single state-government. Otherwise this process will not work. And an example of that is the process of reducing and stop human overpopulation trend which is on programming and action some 200 years ago by the crazy and stupid NWO Leaders i.e. the Bilderberg Group, Power Elites, and whatever they like to be called; and their Eugenics Program (selective sterilizations) has failed. It has failed at hands of evil and stupid NWO Leaders and its associates, like THE EUGENICS PROGRAMM implemented by U.S. Empire, thru UN (AGENDA 21) and the richest people on Earth like Billy Gates, Tim Turner, and other assholes, thru a vaccinations programs especially done in the THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. Like on the African People, and some their evil consequences are the outbreak of epidemics of diseases that we thought were already missing or strictly controlled, as is the case of Ebola in Africa. And, this is an evil and disastrous consequence as a result of stupid, insane and malicious practices to reduce the earths human population through extermination of the terrestrial inhabitants, without telling and explaining them about the TRUE TRUTH OF HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH AND UNIVERSE. Instead to search and to do a constructive and positive solution. These mad and criminal Power Elites (NWO assholes), they are doing their dirty and destructive work through the chemicals poisoning people, all over world, as infected vaccines programs, and through spraying aluminum from jet aircrafts over the planet. And, the only thing they are getting is violating and destroying the natural environment of planet Earth. And they are degenerating to all human beings, and creatures on Earth, without exception, even to their own people in the American Evil Empire, and over the same leaders of the NWO. This situation really is a mess and the biggest nonsense, stupidity, since every effort made by these destructive minds, insane idiots will not work. They cannot be able to handle this situation, because their intellect and way of think is wrong. And, because their goal of life is wrong too. Namaste! Beloved friends, Javier7PERU = = = **** THE EARTH IS DESIGNED TO BE GUIDED BY THE WISDOM; THEN IGNORANCE AND POVERTY OF CONSCIOUSNESS WILL DISAPPEAR, AND SO LOVE AND PEACE AND HARMONY WILL FLOURISH.” - Dr. DIETMAR ROTHE. *** “Then we have the solution here, and must to follow it...which is to pick and choose from the wise and righteous human beings of Earth in order to put them in charge of power and leadership positions over this planet; to those whom are ignored among us, the human nations of the Earth. However, if we continue choosing to whom and by who we are forced to support, i.e. the corrupt and incapable governments; commanded by most brute, barbaric, stupid, selfish and greedy people over this planet - like it is the case of the vast majority of people who are in charge of power among the nations of this world - then we are really in serious troubles. THEN WE ONLY SHOULD TO WAIT THE WORST OF THE WORST. THIS IS IT! So everyone, every citizen of this world, we have to take our own responsibility for the consequences of our choice, and by the system of life or lifestyle we do. TOP IMPORTANT NOTE: FOR THE TERRESTRIAL HUMAN NATIONS. The current type or kind of Human Life System is wrong. It is based on greed, selfishness and madness. THE HUMAN BEING ON UNIVERSE has designed to be evolved, to live and grown in a True Natural Healthy and Humane Environment in Harmony and Alignment of the CREATION LAWS AND DIRECTIVES. So our present type or kind of Human Life Style on Earth has to be modified, it has to be changed for the GOODNESS and WISDOM. “Use your Voice for Kindness, Your Ears for Compassion, Your Hands for Charity, Your Mind for Truth, and Your Heart for Love.” Namaste! Beloved people of the Earth. Javier7PERU = = = = Billy Meier prediction - John Paul 1 murderer, by Rhal Zahi https://youtube/watch?v=maBqmhqr_gE Jesuit Order - United States Under Siege - Vatican Nazis https://youtube/watch?v=bu6UY7KRHYs “Religions and sects correspond to organizations and groups which stultify the truth and the consciousness and through which the human being is led away from actual reality and its truth, and, through which, by means of false teachings, he is beaten into serfdom and his consciousness is kept enslaved.” Excerpt taken from Billy Meier writings, FIGU.org = = = The Case of Mr. Billy Meier of Switzerland FIGU.org is the most important case or human event of Earth History. And unfortunately, it is simultaneously the most censored and suppressed case from the web by the Power Elites who disastrously rule this world = = = Mr. Billy Meier, his writings, wisdom and knowledge are fully supported by: El Sr. Billy Meier, sus escrituras, sabiduría y conocimientos son totalmente apoyados por: Javier V. Maldonado Alliance for Responsible Humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! ¡Alianza por una Humanidad Responsable en la Tierra y el Universo DERN! Telephone (0051) 9970-24-006, LIMA-PERÚ. javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail FIGU.org, Billy Meier, Switzerland; theyfly, Michael Horn, USA. futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Goblet_of_the_Truth_(book) steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 03:22:55 +0000

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