CRAZY FUNNY HOW PEOPLE WITH LITTLE EDUCATION OR ENLIGHTENMENT SEEM TO SEE THERAPY AND GROWTH AS A WEAKNESS. Im crazy? (Gee, like my mother who goes around lying ~and my truth sets her to ~saying shell commit or institutionalize me! Yet, shes never met any therapist or dr Ive had... Nor participated). Hmmmmm it doesnt work like that! Eight years of psychotherapy to parent under Rudy Rousseau, who is now a head CEO of wilder foundation... Another eight now for me. VOLUNTARY. No legal probs, or child protection... VOLUNTARY. One thing for sure... Its provable and documented that I AM NOT CRAZY! But, if I were crazy or close... The appropriate way to handle that WOULD NOT BE ABUSIVE SLANG PSYCHOLOGY NAMES! Nor pointing yet not directing a crazy to getting help or support! WOW! Think youre acting normal, sane, or appropriate if that WERE the case? Hmmmm **That kinda makes it obvious and apparent that youre not healthy, nor a good person!** Obviously its you whose shortcomings are defined now BECAUSE YOU ARENT EDUCATED, ENLIGHTENED, OR QUALIFIED,even slightly, to try defining me or subtracting from my hard work and diligence. YOU ARE SHOWING YOU REAL CLEARLY THO! Sorry for you And if anyone does want to know specifically what problems and diagnoses Ive had/have~just ask! I have NO PROBLEM owning my shit or being accountable and honest! WOW! Thats a new concept for you, huh? And DEEP UNDEALT WITH DYSFUNCTION IS IN FULL EFFECT EVERYWHERE NEAR ME!! So, I love therapy! Try it. I aint the keeper of family secrets or denial either so ASK. Now fix your crazy please! PS. And of all the felons in my family... I have none and graduated college as well on the deans list. thank you for your concern. Now shut the f*ck up and look at you. I got me. SILLY RABBIT
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 02:38:44 +0000

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