Callanwolde Day 2 -- Nay Laddie, Ye Must Play It As It Lies We - TopicsExpress


Callanwolde Day 2 -- Nay Laddie, Ye Must Play It As It Lies We are home after a wonderful art show at the Callanwolde Art Center. Yes, we had good sales with the potential of continuing clients, buts thats not what made it such a great weekend. Several months ago, I realized that God was putting me into a unique position. Art raises the emotional level of many people and I noticed that at many of the shows, I was given the privilege of being allowed to know the hopes, hurts and frustrations of some of the people who would visit the booth. To be fully honest, it was a little frightening. Im a little introverted and sometimes these were raw encounters which required me to not only listen but to expose my own feelings and beliefs. At the same time, I understood that something important was happening and I made a commitment to God that Id try to use these moments in time for his benefit. Last week, as I prepared for the show at Callanwolde, I continued to pray that if and when these raw occasions happened, that I would be ready. As the show began, I started having a silly story develop in my mind. As crazy as it sounds, I began to think about two Scottish shepherds relaxing during there chores by creating the game of golf. You might think I was a little crazy for having this type of thinking rumbling around in my head. And maybe I am, but it just kept growing and developing in my mind. Theres a basic rule in gold that after the ball is struck, the next shot must be played at the place where the ball finally comes to rest -- whether its on the short grass of the fairway or in deep brambles which are far from the place where the ball was suppose to land. And with the rule in mind, I kept visualizing the two shepherds and what made them decide to adapt the rule in this new game there were creating. And I decided that it might have happened in this manner. Agnes ball (made of skin stuffed with grass, wool and feathers) landed in a large patch of sheep dung. After he found it, he faced the perplexing problem of what was he suppose to do? Should he simply move the ball out of the mess in which it had landed? Or should he accept the humiliation of having to stand in the animal waste and then swing at the ball while knowing that the dung would also explode covering Agnes from head to foot? Agnes friend Ferguson, resolved the question with this simple statement, Nay Laddie, ye must play the wee ball as it lies. And sure enough, that dumb little story prepared me for a couple of visitors yesterday and today. The details of the encounters will be held in confidence but they dealt with the basic question of what should one do when the hurts and frustrations of life make a person feel like they have landed in a pile of ____? And the answer became simple. We dont get a do over and we cant pick ourselves up and move to a place that seems to be more idealistic. Likewise, we cant change our height, looks or age. Instead, we must realize that each moment is an opportunity to trust in God and then move forward. Why? --cause Laddie, ye must play your life as it lies.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:32:57 +0000

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