Calling to all who would like to help. My partner and I visited - TopicsExpress


Calling to all who would like to help. My partner and I visited 3 villages in Tar Paung, a part of Pathein State last month as i have been wanting to donate wooden furniture to schools who really need it. The villages who visited are really remote and so hard to access. (Just look at my friends car that got stuck in mud). Most of the kids are overage for the grade they should be in. Their school buildings do not look like a decent building. They have lack of water, lack of toilets, lack of furniture and even lack of writing materials. They sit on the floor and sit under the trees to receive their education. We met up with the Principal in charge of the whole state of TarPaung and she mentioned to us that there are 215 Kindergartens that are being approved but only 20 have received teaching materials such as toys from NGO organization. To cut the long story short, these are the places I can actually make a difference. I have included the funds proposal here. My company will donate all the wood needed as shown in the proposal as well as bearing 70% of cost for Toybox. I can assure everyone that these are cost price that we have to bear, without any markup. I am not here to do business. My partner and I went there on 5am in the morning and drove back at 2am the next morning. This is only the first round of the donation. We intend to do this 4 rounds. So, please in whichever amount, help to realize these kids’ dreams. $5 or $50. 500kyats or 50,000kyats do not matter. Overseas friends, if you are interested, please PM me so that I can send you my bank detail for money transfer. Friends in Myanmar, please give myself or my partner, Snow a call. သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြနဲ႕ ပုသိမ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္၊ သာေပါင္းၿမိဳ႕ဘက္က ရြာသံုးရြာကိုေရာက္ခဲ့တယ္ (ကရင္ရြာ လမ္းပမ္းဆက္သြယ္ေရးမေကာင္းလို႕ ကားနဲ႕ေတာင္သြားလို႕မရဘူး ဆုိင္ကယ္နဲ႕သြားရတယ္၊ သူေဌးစမ္းရြာ ကားနဲ႕သြားလို႕ရေပမယ္ ကားလမ္း က မေကာင္းဘူး ဘြက္ေတြနစ္တယ္၊ ေရနံေခ်ာင္းရြာ ကားနဲ႕သြားလုိ႕မရလို႕ ေလွနဲ႕သြားရတယ္ ည၂ နာရီအထိ အဲဘက္ကေလွစီးၿပီး ျပန္လာရတယ္) ကေလးေတြစာသင္ဖို႕ အလွဴခံရင္းေဆာက္ေနတဲ့ ေဆာက္လက္စ ေက်ာင္းေတြရယ္၊ သူတို႕အခုစာသင္ေနတဲ့ ေက်ာင္း အေနအထားရယ္ကို ေတြ႕ခဲ့ရတယ္၊ ေဆာင္းရာသီရယ္၊ ေႏြရာသီရယ္မွာ စာကို သင္ႏုိင္ေပမယ့္ မုိးရာသီေရာက္ရင္ ေတာ့ စာသင္လုိကမရၾကဘူး၊ေက်ာင္းထုိင္ခံုေတြမရိွတဲ့ေနရာမွာ ေျမႀကီးေပၚမွာစာသင္ၾကရတယ္၊ မူလတန္းကေလးေတြဆုိ စာသင္ေတာ့ စာထဲမွာပါတဲ့ အေကာင္ေတြဆုိ ျပစရာမရိွလို႕. သူတို႕ေတြမသိၾကဘူး.ေနာက္ သာေပါင္းၿမိဳ႕နယ္က ပညာေရးမွဴးဆရာမႀကီး ေဒၚစမ္းစမ္း ေဌးနဲ႕ေတြ႕တယ္ ဆရာမႀကီးက သူကိုတုိင္ဦးေဆာင္ၿပီးအလွဴရွင္ေတြရိွရင္ ေက်ာင္းမရိွတဲ့ေနရာေတြမွာ မူလတန္းေက်ာင္းေတြေလွ်ာက္ေပးတယ္.. ေက်ာင္းရိွၿပီး ပရိေဘာဂလိုအပ္ေနတဲ့ ေနရာေတြကို ပရိေဘာကေတြလွဴမယ္၊ မူၾကိဳေက်ာင္းေလးေတြအတြက္ အရုပ္ေလးေတြလွဴမယ္ .ဒီလို ပရိေဘာဂေတြ၊ အရုပ္ဘူးေလးေတြ လုိေနတဲ့မူၾကိဳေက်ာင္း၊ မူလတန္းေက်ာင္းေလးေတြ (၂၁၅)ေက်ာင္းရိိွတယ္လုိ႕သိရတယ္..အဲဒီေနရာေတြမွာ လွဴႏုိင္ဖို႕ အလွဴေငြအတြက္ သူငယ္ခ်င္းတို႕လဲ ပါ၀င္ႏုိင္ရန္ ဖိတ္ေခၚခ်င္ပါတယ္..ေက်ာင္းေတြအတြက္လုိအပ္မယ့္ ပရိေဘာဂ စာရင္းေတြရယ္ ဓာတ္ပံုေတြရယ္ တင္ထားတယ္... ေက်ာင္းထိုင္ခံုေတြက လုိအပ္တယ္ အမ်ားၾကီးလိုအပ္တယ္ .. ရတဲ့ အလွဴေငြနဲ႕ ရသေလာက္ လွဴ သြားခ်င္ပါ တယ္. ေစတနာ သဒါတရားထက္သန္တဲ့ သူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားကို လဲ ပါ၀င္ႏုိင္ဖို႕ ဖိတ္ေခၚ ပါရေစ......
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 01:30:39 +0000

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