Cancer. The word itself can stop people in their tracks. Over - TopicsExpress


Cancer. The word itself can stop people in their tracks. Over the years I’ve heard of family members who’ve succumbed to it, read stories of people who have perished from it and for the past four years in the NHS I’ve worked alongside and even cared for people who have had it. I’m a geek. Always have been, always will be, and I offer no apologies or express any embarrassment for that. *High fives all the geeks of the world* In my geek-dom I have of late been watching some classic television on the Horror channel, most notably the 70’s version of The Incredible Hulk starring the late, great Bill Bixby who also succumbed to the disease in 1993. Having watched the first episode of series two where his character engages in, and subsequently loses his relationship with a woman who had a mere three weeks to live, I took it upon myself to look into the bio of Bixby himself. What I found was a tragic tale akin to that of his character ‘David Banner’ himself. A year before the final season of The Incredible Hulk his 6yr old son died from a throat infection, followed swiftly on by his wife’s suicide less than a year later. With so much tragedy you’d expect Fate to be merciful, but life isn’t kind, nor is cancer. The video I’ve attached is Bill Bixby’s final interview. There’s no reason for me writing this other than being moved by the tragic life of another, and bearing witness to real suffering on a daily basis. I therefore raise a glass to man who kept me company as a child and filled my imagination with the potential of finding inner-strength. Rest well Bill.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:31:56 +0000

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