Candid thoughts about current issues surrounding my beloved Church - TopicsExpress


Candid thoughts about current issues surrounding my beloved Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: I am saddened whenever anyone parts company with the Church either by choice or by compulsion; no matter what the circumstances are. I always, ALWAYS have as my first thought, But for the grace of God, there go I also. I know how hard it is to balance doctrine, policy, and personal revalation when the three dont always agree. Here is my consolation, for what it is worth: Most Christian faiths only believe in heaven or hell as final destinations after the resurrection -- whatever the resurrection may be or mean to them. We do not. We believe in more than just heaven and hell. We believe in the vision revealed to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, as recorded in Section 76 of the Doctrine and Covenants. In that vision, it was revealed that there is a Terrestrial Kingdom of glory where the honest men and women of the Earth will dwell for all eternity in the presence of the Savior, Jesus Christ. And that Terrestrial Kingdom, sounds like a wonderful place. It sounds at least as wonderful as the version of heaven that most Christian faiths envision and teach. It is a place of peace and rest, and glory reserved for those who were true to the Light of Christ that is given to every person that comes into this world, and helps us to discern good and right from evil and wrong. It is like the Garden of Eden and better, where there is no enmity between people or even between animals. In short it beyond even our most wonderful comprehensions of paradise and utopia. And the good news is, you dont have to belong to any particular religion to get there. You basically just have to be a good person who keeps the Ten Commandments and makes the world a better place. And everyone is welcome there, no matter what, as long as they are honest in heart -- EVERYONE. And there is nothing in the world wrong with that. So heres the deal -- you dont even have to be LDS to make it to heaven, even in LDS doctrine. Seriously... not only do we Mormons not have a monopoly on Christ, we dont even have a monopoly on heaven. Theres no real point in being LDS if all you want is to make it to heaven and live with Jesus or Jehovah or whatever your idea of God is. Just dont be evil. So why be LDS, then? I dont know... because its the culture you grew up in, I guess for many Mormons. Why be Jewish? Why be Catholic? Why be anything? Almost always it is to fit in with whatever society you grew up in. And that is a fine and wonderful thing. But thats not why I am LDS. Thats not why I put up with the things I put up with and endure the struggles I endure, sometimes against my very nature. But thats not what this post is about, so thats a matter for a private conversation if youre curious and dont already know. All I am saying is that for many people, being LDS is far too much work and heartache, and they dont really even need to be LDS, because they will be in heaven with Jesus after this life, automatically. So theres no need for any of us not to love and tolerate each other. There really isnt. Everyone will be happy if they will just be Christlike and kind to everyone else, even if we have theological and political differences. I hope this is consolation enough.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 06:22:13 +0000

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