#CannabisCommunity Governor Hickenlooper just said in a public - TopicsExpress


#CannabisCommunity Governor Hickenlooper just said in a public debate, TODAY, marijuana legalization was reckless. The Governor thinks that 55% of Colorado voters made reckless decision voting for Amendment 64 which has resulted in 4% lower teen use, lower crime and safer roads. My question to voters is, do you want to vote for the guy that thinks youre reckless? To my 10,000 plus colleagues in the #CannabisInudstry, do you trust the Governor who will take your campaign contributions and still call your business reckless? For my fellow Democrats, when you ask me if I care that my support for Mike Dunafon will cause us to lose ....? Who is the us exactly youre talking about. My voter registration is Democrat, my vote belongs to me. Not to mention that yeah I want Hickenlooper to lose. Thats how elections work, I want Mike Dunafon to win, therefore yes I also want Hickenlooper to lose. Among the many reasons why, his fumbling, rambling, response to a simple question Should other governors follow Colorados path on cannabis legalization? ending at what the hell, Ill say it, it was reckless is an unacceptable way to talk about the industry and movement to which I belong. If you dont support me, I cannot support you. OPEN LETTER TO THE CANNABIS COMMUNITY My Friends, First I want to say something I’m sure you don’t hear enough from politicians …Thank You. It is you, the medical marijuana patients, the marijuana policy advocates, the cannabis consumers and the entrepreneurs of the cannabis industry that have embodied what we have all long known. Because of your constant efforts, our state is leading the way to a new world with Cannabis. Like you, I understand the history of how we lost touch with this plant. Like you, I understand the powerful impact cannabis therapy can have on peoples lives. Like you I recognize the economic opportunity in hemp and cannabis and Like you, I believe in liberty and that government has no place in telling you what you can put in your body or that we my throw you in jail for creating jobs and opportunity. Our current Governor does not understand this community or the important role you are playing in history. This governor will not learn that he needs to invest in your community to unleash its potential. Instead, this governor spends millions of dollars to undermine the progress that you have made. I was the only mayor in favor of Amendment 64 and I encouraged the Denver Metro Mayor’s Caucus to support it. In short, I believe in what you do, I believe you can and should do more and I believe that your efforts will save Colorado and change the world. With Hemp and Cannabis, there is opportunity in every corner of this state and every industry. As Governor, my plan for your community is simple. I want to take you off the leash. In order for Colorado to flourish by ending the war on marijuana, we need leadership that believes in the peace. I am at your service. I just need your help. I do not want your money. I want your ideas. I want your energy, I want your vote. The major parties are only offering you four more years of Rat Cages. I am offering to set you free. My campaign is about restoring liberty. Your community has demonstrated that liberty is the solution to problems. Because of what you have done our roads and our schools are safer and its about time we have a Governor that is not ashamed of you but instead screams your success from the top of every 14’er in our state. Join our team, let’s take the future back and lets start with Colorado. Stay Thirsty for Liberty, Mayor Mike Dunafon
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:16:24 +0000

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