Capitalism is often attacked by those who have benefited the most - TopicsExpress


Capitalism is often attacked by those who have benefited the most and are wealthy, but somehow believe that they were lucky and that it’s impossible for anyone else to repeat what they’ve done. Michael Moore is a common example, as he makes political documentaries from a left-wing perspective on a host of issues. He frequently attacks capitalism, yet is personally worth $50 million and lives in a large house facing a lake in Michigan. The market is the vehicle that allows anyone who wants to work to be wealthy. Yet there are elites who believe that wealth can’t be reached even though America has proven multiple times that millionaires like Steve Jobs or billionaires like Bill Gates got their wealth by creating it, not inheriting it like many Europeans have. Capitalism rewards the worker and the entrepreneur for their work and their standard of living improves with every paycheck they receive. -Yatish
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 04:36:36 +0000

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