Category Archives: Martir Sindh 23 Juli 2012 · 2:20 am Surat - TopicsExpress


Category Archives: Martir Sindh 23 Juli 2012 · 2:20 am Surat pejuang kemerdekaan untuk istri Catatan: Sekretaris Jenderal JSMM Mr Muzaffar Bhutto di (diambil oleh ISI pertama kalinya-20006) Surat kepada istrinya: dalam hal ini kedua Muzafar Bhutto memberitahu istrinya tentang penyiksaan terhadap ISI. Shaheed Muzaffar Bhutto hilang kedua kalinya pada tanggal 24 Februari 2011, peluru penuh tubuhnya, juga membawa tanda penyiksaan, ditemukan di pinggir jalan di dekat Hatri, Hyderabad pada tanggal 22 Mei 2012. DEAR SAIMA, Harap Anda baik-baik saja dengan syahrel, Hina dan semua anggota keluarga. Saya juga baik-baik saja. Kesehatan yang baik. Aku telah mengadakan pertemuan rinci dengan saudara Sikandar. Aku hilang Anda terlalu banyak tetapi tidak memiliki akses ke telepon untuk menghubungi Anda. Aku masih di bawah larangan keras dan setiap langkah saya sedang diamati. Anda bertanya padaku tentang penyiksaan ditimpakan kepada saya pada 12 Oktober 2008. Saya menulis catatan terperinci dalam hal itu. I was arrested from a friend’s home on October 6, 2006. I was badly beaten by a baton that is possessed by SP level officer. I was asked my name and I introduced myself as Ameer Ali. After the relentless torture for half an hour, they blindfolded me and took me to Karachi torture cell. They kept beating me for half an hour. The baton-beating was extremely painful. Then I was given 92 lashes with the force of both hands as a washman slams clothes. On account of strikes on spinal cord, I became insensible to urine and defecation. When they pulled my legs apart i had to undergo the worst pain ever. I went unconscious as the result of leg-pulling in evening. I regained consciousness at late night. I found my clothes stained with blood and waste which I was asked to wash then. I was continuously bleeding. After some bandage they put a sort of acid in my anus. It was so painful that it made me fumble my body about room like a fish out of water. They were laughing aloud and were making noises out of happiness. My suffering lessened when they applied some spray on my body. Then they put soap water in my mouth and nose which made me vomit. As soon as i started vomiting they shut my mouth and the vomit made its way from my nose. That was the worst of all sufferings. Then they tied a rope in my handcuffs and hanged me with a ventilator. As I was quite heavy, so it gave me such an unimaginable pain that i screamed so much that i had never done like that before and nobody had ever heard the screams like those. Then they made me stand for three days without sleeping for just a second. I was forced to stand except at the time of Sahree (Morning), Aftaaree (Evening) and unconsciousness. My body was white, so the torture left the strips like those of a Tiger. Whenever i saw them i just bloomed with happiness. Whenever i looked at my handcuffs I felt as happy as a woman when she has a look on her ornaments. I would become so happy that i would kiss my chains. Three days of Karachi torture cell were equivalent to three years. Most of the time i was unconscious but whenever i came back to my senses, i addressed my mother and asked her where she was, requested her to pray for my death. I didn’t ask you for such pray as i knew that you would not accept it any cost. Extreme tortures couldn’t weaken me. I confessed my identity as Muzaffar when they brought all proofs. Then they brought me to Hyderabad. An officer said to me that because i had not co-operated with them in Karachi so they would not allow me to die but make me beg for death. He threatened me that they would neither let me live nor let me die. I underwent the same degree of torture and wasn’t allowed to sleep for three days. On account of standing and not sleeping for 6 days my feet swallowed and i almost became mad. I was let to sit after 6 days. On October 12, 12:00 am i was told that Saima and Hina set themselves on fire in front of Press Club and were admitted in LUMHS in serious condition, for whom I should have prayed. It worried me so much that i couldn’t sleep for two nights and a day, although i was already awake for 6 days. Your concern killed all concerns and pains. A human being can bear each and everything but can’t bear the pain of his dear ones. Only then could I suppose that how much pain you might have undergone because you were aware of all the things they could do with me. Pada tanggal 14 Oktober petugas memanggil saya dan memberi saya telepon untuk berbicara dengan Anda karena Anda meningkatkan suara di media. Aku menjadi bahagia dan semua kekhawatiran saya lenyap karena ide datang ke pikiran saya bahwa cara bisa Anda berbicara kepada media jika Anda dibakar. Saya menolak untuk berbicara dengan Anda meninggalkan mereka semua tak berdaya. Parah penyiksaan dan menipu bujukan mereka tidak bisa memaksa saya untuk bersujud. Mereka yang takut saya penyebab dan tekad. Aku disiksa buruk karena tidak menerima hak apapun. Mereka berhenti penyiksaan fisik selama 12 hari tapi tidak ada yang dilakukan untuk tumit luka saya. Mereka mendapat lebih baik mereka sendiri dengan berlalunya waktu maka mereka meminta saya untuk mengakui bahwa saya salah dan bekerja untuk kapal-Kapa India . Translat: Category Archives: Martyr of Sindh July 23, 2012 · 2:20 am A letter of freedom fighter to her wife “Note: JSMM general secretary Mr. Muzaffar Bhutto’s (taken up by ISI first time – 20006) letter to his Wife: in this latter Muzafar Bhutto tell his wife about the torture of ISI. Shaheed Muzaffar Bhutto went missing the second time on February 24 2011, his bullet-riddled body, also bearing torture marks, was found at the roadside near Hatri, Hyderabad on 22 May 2012.” DEAR SAIMA, Hope you are fine along with Akash, Hina and all family members. I am also fine. My health is doing well. I had a detailed meeting with brother Sikandar. I was missing you too much but couldn’t have access to phone to contact you. I am still under hard restrictions and every move of mine is being observed. You asked me about the torture inflicted upon me on October 12, 2008. I am writing this detailed note in that regard. I was arrested from a friend’s home on October 6, 2006. I was badly beaten by a baton that is possessed by SP level officer. I was asked my name and I introduced myself as Ameer Ali. After the relentless torture for half an hour, they blindfolded me and took me to Karachi torture cell. They kept beating me for half an hour. The baton-beating was extremely painful. Then I was given 92 lashes with the force of both hands as a washman slams clothes. On account of strikes on spinal cord, I became insensible to urine and defecation. When they pulled my legs apart i had to undergo the worst pain ever. I went unconscious as the result of leg-pulling in evening. I regained consciousness at late night. I found my clothes stained with blood and waste which I was asked to wash then. I was continuously bleeding. After some bandage they put a sort of acid in my anus. It was so painful that it made me fumble my body about room like a fish out of water. They were laughing aloud and were making noises out of happiness. My suffering lessened when they applied some spray on my body. Then they put soap water in my mouth and nose which made me vomit. As soon as i started vomiting they shut my mouth and the vomit made its way from my nose. That was the worst of all sufferings. Then they tied a rope in my handcuffs and hanged me with a ventilator. As I was quite heavy, so it gave me such an unimaginable pain that i screamed so much that i had never done like that before and nobody had ever heard the screams like those. Then they made me stand for three days without sleeping for just a second. I was forced to stand except at the time of Sahree (Morning), Aftaaree (Evening) and unconsciousness. My body was white, so the torture left the strips like those of a Tiger. Whenever i saw them i just bloomed with happiness. Whenever i looked at my handcuffs I felt as happy as a woman when she has a look on her ornaments. I would become so happy that i would kiss my chains. Three days of Karachi torture cell were equivalent to three years. Most of the time i was unconscious but whenever i came back to my senses, i addressed my mother and asked her where she was, requested her to pray for my death. I didn’t ask you for such pray as i knew that you would not accept it any cost. Extreme tortures couldn’t weaken me. I confessed my identity as Muzaffar when they brought all proofs. Then they brought me to Hyderabad. An officer said to me that because i had not co-operated with them in Karachi so they would not allow me to die but make me beg for death. He threatened me that they would neither let me live nor let me die. I underwent the same degree of torture and wasn’t allowed to sleep for three days. On account of standing and not sleeping for 6 days my feet swallowed and i almost became mad. I was let to sit after 6 days. On October 12, 12:00 am i was told that Saima and Hina set themselves on fire in front of Press Club and were admitted in LUMHS in serious condition, for whom I should have prayed. It worried me so much that i couldn’t sleep for two nights and a day, although i was already awake for 6 days. Your concern killed all concerns and pains. A human being can bear each and everything but can’t bear the pain of his dear ones. Only then could I suppose that how much pain you might have undergone because you were aware of all the things they could do with me. On October 14 an officer summoned me and gave me the phone to talk to you because of you voice-raising in media. I became happy and all my concerns vanished because an idea came to my mind that how could you talk to media if you were burnt. I refused to talk to you leaving all of them helpless. Their severe torture and deceiving enticements couldn’t force me to kneel down. They were afraid of my cause and determination. I was badly tortured for not accepting any privileges. They stop physical torture for 12 days but nothing was done to heel my injuries. They got better on their own with the passage of time then they asked me to confess that i was wrong and worked for Indian agency RAW. I was subjected to extreme cold through cooling system during November, December and January. The cold was as cold as snow of Murree. The system was turned on from 02:00am to 09:00am which caused me to continuous shivering. They did not provide me with adequate bed material. To cope with the cold i would deceive myself by saying “Oh Muzaffar you are worrying for nothing, you are going to face urine trouble shortly which will help you to forget this cold”. I would have urine trouble from 03:00am to 11:00am because i was only allowed to urinate at 11:00pm and 11:00am; otherwise i had to bear controlling my urine. I was subjected to mosquito torture during January and February. I could sleep hardly for four or five hours. I would miss Akash, Hina and Mother but tried to avoid missing you because i couldn’t stand it. I was given heat through Thermostat control system during April, May, June, July, August and September. The heat was so severe that chains turned red hot and all my body boiled. My anus bleeded for two months and my shalwar became soaked with blood. The itch and pain was so troublesome that i could sleep after two nights and a day. My clothes were always soaked with blood. The whole bed and Shalwar (Pajama like) spoiled with blood and sweat. They permitted me to wash my shalwar after every two days the fever was so intense that my clothes would stink as if they were pressed i would check my fever by touching my head. I was given a little water so i did not spend it in drinking because i had to use some water on my head so that any vein of my brain might not burst. I had never seen such a fever all my life. In Ramdan (Fasting month for Muslims) i was given rest and was forced to have medicine because my condition had become miserable. The suffering of torture felt less severe after all these sufferings because it lasted for just a few moments. The suffering caused by heat, fever, itch, bleeding and sleeplessness continued round the clock. I was given a stale and some pulse to eat. Sometimes they gave me soup of chicken without chicken piece. Apart from that they gave me paratha (bread) and tea; a tea had a strange taste. I had to sleep on one side due to chain. Speaking, Standing, Peeping and coughing banned and they often abuse punched and kicked me. I will write more some other time.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:10:25 +0000

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