Catholic idol worshiping : The Catholic Divine Image of Mercy. - TopicsExpress


Catholic idol worshiping : The Catholic Divine Image of Mercy. Carefully notice the illuminati pyramid. Mary Faustina Kowalska was a poor Satan possessed mystic! Allegedly, Jesus appeared to Faustina and asked her to reproduce His image and show it to the world. This further proves that the Catholic Church is of Satan, because the Bible says more than once: No image worship! Exodus 20:4,5 couldnt be any clearer. Exodus 34:13 states, But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves. It is a sin to show devotion to any image or icon. What is the real agenda behind this lie? Why pray to yet another image, a new icon? Jesus told Faustina to DISPLAY THE IMAGE IN HER OWN CONVENT AND THEN THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. And this is interesting because, well, why would Satan want to promote Jesus? Why is it important for Satan that one billion Catholics (and preferably also the non-Catholics) see this painting? Are you guessing Satans true motive? You see, most people have a good memory, and we memorize things automatically, even when we dont want to. The images remain in our mind. So we see this New Age painting of Jesus and automatically we remember it for life, its somewhere in our mind. And then one day when the man of sin, the antichrist, finally arrives, people will readily accept him. Theyll think to themselves, Ive seen him somewhere before, where can it be? And then they will finally remember! Thats it! Its Faustinas Jesus! Its him! They will compare the face of the man of sin and Faustinas Jesus, and they will be almost identical. One billion Catholics will recognize the man of sin as Jesus, and be tremendously deceived. This may be the explanation for this New Age image of Jesus that is now being shown all over the world. Why do the Catholics want us to memorize this face? What is their plot? Obviously, this is not just another Catholic image, or icon. This one is special, and it is shown all over the world. Last year I read a lot of Catholic articles in Spanish, Russian, French, even Polish, and I would see Faustinas Jesus almost all the time. Pope John Paul II loved this painting, and Faustinas dream finally came true: this painting is now shown all over the world. The IMAGE OF DIVINE MERCY is not just another cheap Catholic image, this one is truly special, this is an image of someone who will deceive a lot of people in the future. Maybe its of the future Antichrist, or maybe of someone else, but we know that this painting was done to deceive in a big way.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 23:58:36 +0000

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