Celebrating 2 years tumor-free today. Im repeating myself but I - TopicsExpress


Celebrating 2 years tumor-free today. Im repeating myself but I think I expressed it best when I said that more than just my brain has been healing. There were no visible wounds or scars to indicate the real battle that was being fought from within. My victories were not won on the operating table, or in physical therapy. My comeback is a product of all the encouragement, patience, dedication and even forgiveness that was given freely along the way. ~ Mr. Leo Buscaglia said, Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential for turning a life around. As blessed as I have been, I still managed to alienate a few and for that I will always be sorry. No words can ever express the gratitude and love I have for Sindy Parker Alexander for sticking by my side through it all, as a dear friend and medical advocate. Thanks to those of you who gave me a push when I hesitated, a hand up even when I didnt want it, for looking away all the times when I had something in my eye (cried), for enduring as I rambled, ranted and repeated myself, and for driving fast and tough-love when I tried to give up. (As for the ones who bailed, thanks for getting out of my way early.) Think optimistically and realize that even the hardest of days are a gift. Join me in celebration of life and encourage everyone you meet to live to the fullest. ღ
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 06:57:35 +0000

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