Celebrating two years and 4 months of sobriety from TV. You heard - TopicsExpress


Celebrating two years and 4 months of sobriety from TV. You heard me right, I kicked my TV addiction. I had no idea how much that addiction made my life unmanageable. I lived in a state of fear from the hours I spent watching the news. I lived a life of drama from the reality TV shows I watched, I lived in a place of hopelessness from my Law & Order and CSI addictions. I stopped reading, I stopped going outside and connecting with nature. I became a conditioned thinker who spent money on products based on marketing in commercials that hypnotized me. I lost myself in that box, and the box just kept getting bigger and thinner, I thought having a big flat screen on every wall in my house was evidence of success. I had no idea it was really evidence of submission to a failed system. I am proud to say that today I read, I spend time in nature, I live courageously and I have hope, a faith, I pursue my dreams, I have no drama in my life. I have learned more about what is really going on in the world than the news ever lied to me about, and opened up my mind, became an independent thinker and helped others to know their own power. I have one regret in life, I allowed the TV to help me raise my children. I didnt know what that box was teaching them, I had control over what they watched and thought myself a responsible parent in that aspect. However, I had no real idea of what that TV replaced, the time they could have spent in nature, the minds they could have developed had I taught them the truth about TV, the truth I myself was in complete denial of. Quitting TV was one of the best addictions I ever overcame! Today my grandchildren will see a new example and I will help break the chain of TV addiction handed down to me.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 18:55:07 +0000

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