Change is the price we must pay so that growth can occur. - TopicsExpress


Change is the price we must pay so that growth can occur. Scripture teaches us that “In Christ, all things are made new." We are called every day to make it a new day in Him. Scripture teaches us that we are to boldly engage life for Christ died so that we might be free from the "status quo"! "Change" is a conduit through which we must pass so that progress can occur. We need change in order that we remain relevant in the academic and spiritual lives of our students. We are change agents for good when we are facilitators of progress toward reaching the "High Mark" or "Calling" that Paul spoke about in Scripture. Meaningful change is not easy but necessary. Every healthy organization understands the need to embrace change….not just for changes sake but for the well being of the stakeholders in that organization. In the academic setting, we should be stretching ourselves in order to become more responsive to the needs of all our students. One such example is in the way we use technology. An expectation in every school should be to build additional infrastructure (band width) and skill so that the faculty is empowered to use technology more effectively in their classrooms. Along with the freedom to explore the world, in real time, technology brings added responsibility for every teacher and every student. Paul taught the Corinthians that “For the Lord is the Spirit and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom.” Being "Christlike" means gaining greater freedom but only if we recognize the Lord as our source. To be free to serve onself, is to be held hostage to self. (To be continued)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 03:03:51 +0000

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