Change your life……………. Being confused is normal, - TopicsExpress


Change your life……………. Being confused is normal, allowing it to become overwhelming can be unbearable. Sometimes we are faced with life changing situations. Some times the choices we made at a specific time in our life with reservation come full circle. The emotions that we may experience can be difficult to process. We need time to reflect, think, plan, and care for ourselves. Matters of the heart are painful, weakening, and can place us in a lonely place. We need to be in sync with ourselves, both body and mind. Change is hard and uncomfortable and at times can seem unwanted, but we need to move on and regroup, rebuild and relive. We must push through this time. It is inevitable that this will not take place without “causalities”, but how do we move forward out of a negative place? We need to strive to live in the present. Release the past and keep your goals short term. Stay grounded and centered. Remember nothing lasts forever, and the ordeal you are in the midst of will be over. We are not here to save others from themselves; the choices people make are their own. Shame and guilt are your enemy, do not assume them if they are not yours to bare, and if they are, address them appropriately and then release them. Forgive yourself and others that have hurt you unconditionally, do not allow their choices to control your actions. This process of healing through any emotional upheaval is determine by you, and you alone. You are in control. Once the dust settles waste no more time on things and people and places that keep you in the past and place you in a negative frame of mind. Do not allow yourself to go into a, “regression”. Sometimes things must change, the universe is always unfolding. We do not determine the path of the universe in our lives, but rather we determine the consistency and determination in which we walk our path. Allow things to unfold, you may be uncertain and impatience, but to rush in would put you back into the origin of your dilemma. We all deserve better at some point in our lives, we need no man or woman to understand us or complete us. We need to complete and understand ourselves to live our life. It is our life. It is ours to control, and command. Know that you are not the first nor will you be the last one to have such things happen. Know that the pain, regret, suffering, guilt, fear, and confusion will end. If you still have an enormous sense of these emotions, then you have not gone through all of your transformation. Change is not easy, and does not happen overnight, even after you have removed the people or yourself from the situation you once found inescapable, this change and can take some time. Be steadfast and be true to yourself. This will be similar to a period of morning, as part of your life now dies in order to make way for a new you and a new life. Keep occupied with what used to make you happy. The simplest things are the best in life and always will be. Re-connect with that inner child. Have fun. People around you will abound with advice and some might be sage advise however some might be detrimental to your recovery. If need be, let these people know that for a period they might have to be cut off while you get your feet on the ground. If they feel rejected or slighted so be it. This is about you, not them. Do what you must to stay on a forward moving course. The change will take place, you will regain some normalcy to your everyday life. Go slow you will be vulnerable and somewhat distrusting of others for a time, it’s normal for some. Understand that you have been in a negative state and are emerging from a long sleep, fill your day with positive things. The road to this recovery will have its ups and downs, but you are in the drivers seat. Slow down when needed take a break, do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed that was a contributing factor in the time and place in your life which dictated an unavoidable change. Professional help might be needed and is always a good place to turn. Never do it alone. Never think your choices are limited. Never turn your frustrations, anger, and pain inward. Recognize that we are all human and need help from time to time. There is no shame in seeking or asking for it, not to do so could be costly to your recovery. Change may seem scary and it could be for some, but to stay in the same place where you were is not an alternative. Stay grounded, stay safe, and stay strong; you are much better then you have given yourself credit for in the past. I write this having gone through and am still going through a very big change in my life. I thought my words might help someone else who may be experiencing a similar event in their life. It does get better, you don’t have to go through it alone, and there is help out there. You have to stay focused, remember that in a week, a month, a year, you will be in better place and will continue to move forward and improve. All is not lost or hopeless, do not cheat yourself out of a positive recovery. Do not let anyone come between you and your change, this is a crucial time. Its about you. You will get through it and you will be whole again. “Pain teaches us humility, failure teaches us motivation and disappointment teaches us reality....…” L. Rosmini 2013
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 15:18:47 +0000

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