Chapter 19 The day I had once wished would arrive quicker crept - TopicsExpress


Chapter 19 The day I had once wished would arrive quicker crept on me, and I was nervous as ever. I knew I shouldn’t have been, but ever since my mother forced me to be nominated for Ice princess, and Sage Ice prince. It only made me more nervous. Sage was not happy about it. It took him a good three days to look at my mother without wearing a scowl. I was a little easier to deal with. I was okay with the dress and high heels. The charity work that would hopefully lead to my royal victory. For the entire month or two before nominations Sage and I volunteered at a local animal shelter, cancer treatment center, soup kitchen, and homeless shelter. I think that’s what helped Sage relax about the whole ice prince thing. Seeing people and animals who had it much worse than he did. I even saw him spending extra attention to a few of the kids in long term treatment for cancer. I think he enjoyed it. I was hoping maybe, just maybe it would help to convince him to start a family sooner, but the chances are fifty fifty. It could have just made him not want kids. Though, I was hoping for the other effect. I was really nervous about what the outcome will be. If I lose it will be pretty embarrassing. I imagine tons of laughter, jokes, judgy stares. I’ll be devastated. “You’ll be fine. It’s me you should worry about. If I don’t win I think I might just explode.” Sage smirked, leaning against my door frame. His nonchalant voice startled me. I wasn’t aware he was there. He could obviously see the anxiety I was holding inside me. He walked over to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, and rested his head on my shoulder. “Stop worrying so much. You’ll be great.” He whispered reassuringly. He was surprisingly convincing. His hands slowly crept down my body until they rested firmly on my thighs. I let myself bask in the intimacy of the moment. that is, until I finally realized what he’s doing. “You are such a tease!” I exclaimed, pushing him back against a wall with my elbows. I quickly spun around, and held him there against the wall. He smiled arrogantly. “I like to prefer the term preservative.” He chuckled. “Oh yeah? And what is it you’re preserving, exactly.” I asked, putting air quotes around the word preserving. “Your humanity.” he smirked. “God! Here we go, right back to this again!” I say, hitting my fist against the wall a few inches from his head. He looked at me in shock. I managed to calm myself at the sight of his expression. “If you’re going to intentionally tease me. Don’t use my humanity as a fallback plan, alright. You do it for your own damn amusement. And I’m sick of it!” I barked. He just smiled at me arrogantly. Like he had just proven a point or won an argument or something. “What?” I sneered. “Forgot all about the stupid elections, didn’t you?” He asked. Now that I think about it. I did. I forgot all about it. I was too busy trying to restrain myself from cussing Sage out, that the elections completely slipped my mind. “You’re a dick.” I mumbled, and walked over, and sat down on my bed. “And yet, you love me anyway. It’s just part of my charm.” He smirked. “And part of my idiocy.” I mumbled. As soon as the words escaped my lips his arrogant smirk quickly faded into a frown. I could tell I’d upset him. That wasn’t really my intention. I loved how he could tell a million arrogant, screwed up jokes, but when I told one it’s like the world was going to end or something. He looked at me, suddenly serious. “I was only joking, Sage.” I informed. He rolled his eyes disapprovingly. I quickly stand up, and walk over to him. He continues to stare at me, disappointed. I press my lips to his passionately. He immediately responds to my makeshift apology. I slowly pulled back a bit. “I was only joking.” I repeated. He nodded slightly, and pressed his lips to mine once more. “Katerina.” My mother said, clearing her throat. I pull away from Sage to look at my mother. It’s time to get ready for the ball.” She informed. I nodded understandingly. “You should be getting ready too.” I whispered, breathlessly. I always seemed to get the breath pulled right out of me everytime we kiss. Sage nodded, and walked out. “Amazing.” I mumbled to myself. My mother smiled, and walked back into the living room as I got ready. I took a shower, and got dressed fairly quickly. A long beautiful red and silver ball gown, and red heels. The dress is outstandingly beautiful. The fabric flows down my body gracefully. My torso has a particular glittery silver pattern, while the rest is just plain christmas red long and elegant. I couldn’t believe I was worthy of wearing such a gorgeous dress. I in no way did it any justice. “You look beautiful, Mija.” My mother sobbed. “Oh, mom. I’m supposed to be the one crying.” I chuckled. My mother nodded, and gathered herself, and wiped the joy-filled tears in her eyes. “Let me you’re makeup really quickly.” She sniffed. I nodded agreeingly, and my mother worked her magic with eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and eyeliner. When she was finished I was entirely transformed into this beautiful girl I could recognise no longer. She was breathtaking. The drive to the founder’s mansion was entirely silent. As soon as i stepped out of the car I scanned the area for Sage, but I couldn’t see him. All of a sudden I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I immediately knew who it was. I turned to look at him. I was stunned at how well dressed he look. Like a fish out of water without his usual jean pants and plain t-shirt. He was elegantly dressed in a freshly ironed black tuxedo, with a small red rose sticking from his chest pocket. he didn’t do much with his hair, then again, I didn’t really expect him to. When I finish admiring his clothing I look up to his face. His mouth is open in a wide-ish O. When he finally finished staring at me he smiled slyly. “You look beautiful. I am one lucky son of a-” “Ah ah ah, the ice prince uses language of no such sort until after the elections. No tainting the opinion of the judgmental yet equally substantial voters.” My mother interrupted him. He chuckled to himself. “Thank you for the compliment, though.” I smiled shyly. My mother hastily herded us into the huge mansion. Sage grabbed my hand, and didn’t let go for quite a while. I think that was partially because he was afraid something was going to happen. Then again, I thought that too. That the hunters would strike again, only this time in public. That would’ve cause all kinds of panic. That couldn’t happen. The anxiety was beginning to build up. All these pretty girls lined up on the stage beside me. My chances of winning aren’t too great. I guess, things could turn around, but i highly doubt it. A woman in a fancy red dress walks out onto the stage, two envelopes in hand. “Ladies and gents. The moment you’ve all been waiting for. Let us find out who this year’s Ice prince and princess will be.” She announced. “First we will announce our Ice prince.” She added. She shoots a short look to all of the guys on the stage behind her. She slowly opens one of the envelopes. “Thanks to his hard work and dedication. His donations to society. His leadership. This year’s Ice prince is...” She paused. “Sage Lupus.” She called out. The crowd broke into an uproar of applause. Sage calmly stepped forward as all of the other candidates walk off of the stage. My heart is racing. I mean, just because Sage was elected didn’t mean that I would have been too. That’s the devastating part. “And now for Ice princess.” the woman called. “Thanks to her hard work and dedication. Her donations to society. Her leadership. This year’s Ice princess is...” The woman repeated. “Katerina-Marie- Santiago.” She called out. I quickly took in a few deep breathes to gather myself, and calmly stepped forward as all the other candidates stepped off stage. “Congratulations! You are our new royal couple. Enjoy your rein.” The woman smiled proudly, and stepped off of the stage. Sage and I followed. “I’m so proud of you, mija!” My mother exclaimed, as we stepped out onto the floor. “Now we may go home. You were perfect!” She informed. I smiled confidently, and followed her out to the car. As I was about to step into the car Sage grabbed my arm, and pulled me back slightly. “I’ll meet you back at your house.” He said. Before I could respond his lips were against mine. He pulled back, and walked to his car. What a night that was
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:27:33 +0000

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