Chapter 224 Masifika esikolweni we dropped boLissa and sacubeka - TopicsExpress


Chapter 224 Masifika esikolweni we dropped boLissa and sacubeka na Sipho sihamba. soy2 besithulile until he broke the silence. Sipho- Do u want to talk about what happened earlier, why was he hurting u? Me-Ah he wanted to go with me to school but ngala and told him u are on your way to fetch us, then ke wavukwa kugula kwakhe. Sipho- He didnt hurt u? Me- No he didnt Sipho- ok then Saphindze sathula futsi sazze safika esbhedlela. He helped me ngehla then went in Sipho- I will wait for u out here Me- Ok, i dont think i will be long nam. I walked in and luckily the doctor was at the reception so he saw me. Doctor- Ohh how are u doing Me- Am good thank u doc, i came to change the bandage. Doctor- Ok pls cove this side. I followed the doctor sangena in some consultation room nje Doc- Ok pls lie on that bed Ngalala and wacala umcebnti wakhe. Doc- How is the pain Me- It is not that bad Doc- Good He cleaned both wounds then changed the bandages, vele it didnt take that long. Doc- Good we are done, u arm is stil bleeding just a lil, pls take it easy and try not to move it around Me- Thank u doc Ngavalelisa ngaphuma and went outside, Sipho was on the phone mangiphuma but watsi makangibona weta kimi. Sipho- How did it go Me- Ay it went well we can go now Sangena Emotweni. Me- Thank u for coming with me shem Sipho Sipho- Thats what friends are for. I looked at him smiling, uhmm so we are friends. cool!!! Sipho- we going to the flat mosi or do u wana stop somewhere Me- Ay am not stooping anywhere Sipho- ok good then Sahamba and masifika i saw Ts car lokusho kutsi bekakhona. UHM he said he has a presentation mara kimi, Sipho helped me sanyuka, Ts door was open but i didnt see him. I reached for the keys savula nawent in naSipho. Sipho- Yooooh it hot Me- kakhulu phela I opened the sliding door sase balcony then ngahlala phansi. Sipho start next to me and he started looking in to my eyes. Me- Ay nani wangibuka kangaka Sipho- u have the most beautiful eyes yati I blushed shem and wabona naye kutsi am blushing Sipho- hahahah wena uphapha kasona, u are blushing Me- Aybo blush for who Sipho- but am serious, you have beautiful eyes. Me- Thank u Ngase ngiyamlaya ngenta kudlalisa lamehlo. Sipho- ay suka soyalaya. Sahlala sacoca nje for a very long time. He was really funny shem Ngatitfola sengicamele on his lap. Sipho- lets do ourr school work Me- Uhm ok We both got our bags sabuya sahlala and opened our books. Mine i thought phela siyafundza only to find umuntfu starring at me. I looked at him nami and we both didnt say a word, I looked deep in his eyes . I took my hand, bengiphetse a pen, wavele nje yawa, yey my troat got dry same time. I tried to clean my throat the i broke the eye contact, ngabuka phansi. Sipho- eish whats the time maybe i should go fetch the girls Me- Uhm time, yeah maybe u should. He took the car keys and left.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:53:41 +0000

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