Chapter 34. After three and a half tales of drunken woe is me, I - TopicsExpress


Chapter 34. After three and a half tales of drunken woe is me, I am ready to move onto my happy place. My most favorite thing to do is sailing, few words can describe the absolute serenity on the open water with no noise other than water gently lapping against the hull of the boat with the sun shining and the breeze blowing. Its also a feeling of absolute control as no one can alter the peace of mind I achieve in the moment. Its been a long time since I have actually captained a Sunfish but the memories and impressions are with me still today. I like to believe that I am mostly a happy person and even when Im not, I prefer to appear so cuz its just easier. I have my moments when everyday life gets in the way and I am frustrated or disappointed but being happy always brings me back to a familiar comfort zone. I really enjoy wearing my smile and being the person who says hello first and looking someone in eye. Id rather encourage you to tell me how good your day was rather than the bad news we must all swallow on a daily basis. For this very reason I do not watch the news, read it on line or listen to it on the radio, I dont wanna know. If it is a major catastrophe, sure enough I will hear the story from my co-workers or friends. I go through my days happy to be where I am, pleased with my present company, grateful for my beautiful surroundings and even to be alive at my age. I am not much of a planner because I know that plans go awry everyday, its very discouraging and this is where the trouble begins. I absolutely love to fly by the seat of my pants and see moment to moment where my life is going to take me. When beepers first came out, I was elated because I recognized that last minute game changers were a possibility within minutes and this is very appealing to me and my persona. Just like with sailing, I can jibe or tack to fit the situation and go with what I think is the best decision to perpetuate my happiness. Now dont get me totally wrong, I know that we must plan for certain life events and I have done so when appropriate. I try to face everyday with an open mind, ready for a change or even satisfied with plain ole status quo. As long as I can be content in my world and in my mind, the day is a complete success and I will always look forward to tomorrow. I choose happy as often as possible.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:21:15 +0000

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