Chapter Five Repeating History with the Prophetic Calendar Two - TopicsExpress


Chapter Five Repeating History with the Prophetic Calendar Two Olive Tree Threads W hen History Repeats… This brings me to the Manifold Prophecy of this Book linked to the Seven Thunders spoke on to me as Seven Long More Weeks- three times. In Armstrong’s Book of Thunders (Mystery of the Ages) and United States and Britain in Prophecy. He proves the Lost Tribes of Israel helped by Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh by the 2,520 year count. In 718-721 B.M. (B.C.) the House of Israel went into Captivity by Assyria to their Land. Samaria was filled with Hamath with even given Priest- a Yahuḏim (Yehudim) Priest to learn the Law, and prevent animal attacks on the people. Which gave them fulfillment offices of (Yes/Isa 9:1-10) 2 Mel/ Kin Ch. 17). Anyhow Israel haven never returned back home when Babylon crushed Assyria. Migrated into Europe as the Anglo Saxons, Shem Sons of Isaac. Whereas the Jews remained in the Holy Land, as a Lamp for the House of David, and where Recorded as returning from their Babylonian Captivity. To build the Temple, by Revelation given Daniel. However it was by the Books- Restored to the mind… of 70 years. This was accomplished by Nehemiah and Ezra, Zerubbabel and Yashua, Haggai and Zachariah. Seven main figures Restored the Temple Building by Zerubbabel with the Capstone (Seal stone of Restoration) Herbert Armstrong in his study by the books. Seen that 2,520 years were determined upon the House of Israel until they would receive the fullness of their Birth Right Physical Blessings. That Recognized this Chiefly Accomplish through the United States and Britain. In Lew 26:18 “Seven more times” I’ll punish you- Yahweh Warns- the prophetic doesn’t. If you don’t listen to my Commands in their shear of time. For we are to be awake and alert watching the Changing of the Seasons. So as not to miss the Messiah at His Arrival but what is Seven Times Armstrong questioned? Ana/Rev 12:6, 19, 11:1-3 Dan 12:7 gives the answer. 1,260 days is 360x7=2,520 double up because 1,260 days is 3 ½ years or 42 months of 30 days a piece. Thus a time is a year a time(s) is two and a half times is half a year’s Six months. In other words 1,260 worth is Three times and a half x2 is Seven Times 2,520 days with a day for a year principle from Yeh/Ezek 4:3-10. These days are conformed to years as times counting from 712-721 B.M. (B.C.). Yisra’ĕl Captivity we come to 1800-1803 A.D. the time the U.S.A. and Britain emerged on the seen. Establishing a New implore of the Empire. That between Two Nations hold 2/3 of the World’s wealth of all 1000 (100 of Provenance origami) sum Nations he expounds on this. It lead to the inventions by our people of electricity, light, T.V.s, radios, telephone, computers, stoplights, space crafts, air planes, and automobiles. That put the first man on the Moon and dropped the first Nuclear Bomb. That handed over all the Sea Gates of the World we have since given back at the Height of our Esteem. All these Modern Technology’s took all the Earth from a 3rd World stand point. Onto all Nations being Blessed as we were. Thus all the Nations of the Earth were Blessed by the seed of Abraham on the Physical playing field. For the Spiritual playing field is of the Yahuḏim (Jews) Chiefly Yashua. This is the Herbert w. Armstrong who Enlightened us for the End was not to come Until this Gospel is Preached to all the Earth. Incredible Prophecy’s but the Two Treads/ Olive Trees Continue by the hand of Yashua. That directed the vine of Armstrong onto us. Let me explain though… Herbert w. Armstrong was given this Wealth of understanding. To share with us His Fellow Servants as the Second Coming of Elijah. He never expanded on the “Seven more times” I’ll punish you- IF you do not heed my Commands and Walk Contrary to me (according to this Prophetic Calendar course) in verses 21, 24, and 28. We see further calculation and with this found interpretation of “Seven more long weeks” spoken to me by an Angel turning to Dani’el 9:24. Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and for your Set- Apart City. To put an end to the Transgression, and to bring in Everlasting Righteousness, and to Seal up Vision – Prophet- and to Anoint the most Set- Apart. After careful review Yahweh was Revealed- the leaning to me by hand of an Angle. The Seventy weeks are really one week of Seven weeks ten years a piece. Acting as a sub week of a day. Counting from the time of 1800-1803 we pick up the count. Seventy years until we Land on 1870-1873. The time Period of week before the 1880 first Reich and assault on the Jews (Yehuḏim). Count another Seventy years completing verse 24 of Lev. and we come to 1940-1943. To the time of World War Two- the third Reich aftermath of World War One- Second Reich period. Counting another Seventy Years we come to 2010-2013. Completing Seven More Long Weeks or Seven More times of Lew 26:28. This will be the Close of the Generation- entering World War Two; the fourth Reich of the four successive locust. That come upon the Land in Yoel. In Dan 9:25 “know, then and understand: from the going forth of the command to restore and build Yerushalayim until Messiah the prince is seven weeks and sixty two weeks it shall be built again, with streets and a trench, but in times of affliction.” Yahweh then Revealed to me these calculations of Anointment as well. Sixty-Two weeks becoming Sixty-Two years to be counted in Three Cycles from 1800-1803. This is done because of the Two Treads/ Trees that begin to Emerge in the USA Manasseh Son of Joseph. Where the stone of Elohim (God) was set as the Church! In 1664 the Church was Established in the U.S.A. in Road Inland- from the Church of God Sabbath Keeping Church in England. Spreading across the Mid- West the Seventh Day Adventist broke away under Ellen G. White in 1852-1855 to one degree. She as of the Dead Sardis Era, and to another she Is Thyatira with Izebel (Yezebal/Jezebel Not Yazebel) because they are in the sick bed with Jezebel. More so than just straying, when I do not permit a woman to teach, or exercise authority over a man. Just because they Keep the Sabbath as a seal. They further commit whoring eating food offered to idols, in these End times because they’ve been Warned! Not to keep Pagan Days and haven’t keep the Feast Days and Believe the United States is Babylon in Empire over Europe. Anyhow one week before 1862-1865 our first Sixty-Two year count. They broke away from the true vintage continence of the Church and need to further be engrafted in again. Haven Lost their First Love if they Hate the Doctrines of the Nicolaitans (isolationism) why do they appease to Saint Nickolas and the Counsel of Nicaea (Nicka)? That not only banded Law (the Sabbath) but times (festivals) for Pagan Days? This Group Growth has been stunted and must Restore Truth. Counting another Sixty-Two years we come to 1924-1927 the time of Herbert w. Armstrong Conversion and Proceedings; to come out of Dead Sardis Era. During another Church Split out of Eugene Oregon. To Establish the Philadelphian Era as the Former World Wide- Church of God in Pasadena California 1931-1986. This Congregation grew into 100,000 member congregation. As a Restored Church to the Feast Days, haven over time gone amiss with Pagan Days. Now Rejected along with the Trinity, Rapture and many more Nicolette’s (Nikolas’s) Doctrines; agnostic in nature. By his lead the Master of us all- Herbert W Armstrong prophesied to millions and millions. As he was the Head Fold mind. That had Wisdom during World War II. The for sight over the head of the Dragon on forkness of who was is rather then fallow or to come. Thus pinpointing him along with “here’s” “the” “mind” “who” “has” wisdom”, taking us back to Malachi. They should listen to the Words of Lewi, who came in the Spirit of Elijah to refine the Temple. Revealing 666 in Latin, adds up to Lateinos (THOUGH REVELATIONS WAS NEVER WRITTEN IN GREEK. FIRST YOHONAN HAD WRITTEN IT IN HEBREW TO COVEY THREE 666 ADDING UPS. ONE IN GREEK, LATIN, AND HEBREW. ARMSTRONG COVERED LATIN AND GREEK. A BROTHER OF MINE OF THE ASSEMBLY OF YAHWEH FACTIONS, SHOWED ME A STUR, A SATURN, THOR. SOMETHING OR SOMETHING ANOTHER OF BABYLON GODS THAT SPELLED OUT ROOT 666 MARKINGS TO ROME USING A CROSS WORD PUZZLE OF ENGLISH AND BABYLON LANGUAGE AND PAGAN DEITYS OF MOST INFLUENCE. S. - Saturnalia T. - Thor U. - Uranus R. - Regus ) meaning Latin man, back to Romulus father of the Nation of Rome. My Subliminal Message is Babylon Letter Numerology like Latin and Greek is Complex and Demonic. Those who Acclaim Black Dutch Heritage to Snap the Ancestry Cheat out with a Twist to those who Look Finish of the EU. To Make all Europe including the UK and the USA One. Only to then say but it’s ruled by Germany are also those when Admiration Blurts, “I think what I’m saying is if Finland had Not become a Nation then by the Discussion of Cherokee Blood and the Long Bridge Nose by way of Canada. This Axes of Power Set upon the foreknowledge of the Cloves People. Reveals to me what the Mix of Finish Blood Line looks like. Without discussing the Wars of Norway or Using a German Dictionary of site map to Austria and its Revenues. The Ideology is the of Reges or Reed of Babylon Linguistics breaks into Four Winds. Even a Lil horn to Pluck up Three Leaving Seven or a Total of Ten. Even Dividing the Persian Empire into Two. A New Host of Mathematics and Ideology come into play. However we are not to Mix the Whole see with the Mixed Seed says the Torah. Thus let us take not when 666 was to small to be written as Six Hundred and Sixty Six but Babylon had written it 6. 6. 6. Before Greek Mathematics write its Reges or Changed Law of Babylon to be the root to fit its harvest of weeds. Multiplication was given name and Function by Reges to cause Mysteries of Mystery Babylon the Great to have a Host of Pagan gods ruling their Civilizations. By a Secret society not after Israel the Holy Stars cast from heaven but their Greek Pagan God System. If more Numerous than the City’s at the Babylon Empire state then Calculus was already present by Reges to devise us the free false Measures. The Idea is that each Reges that Developed an Anti- Messiah False God Regus was Ruled by a Science Agnostic Measures. The Most Advanced of its Time with Distain against The Hebrew Numerology to fight it with a Divination of Horoscope and Kabala. The Warlock Magician Witch Rods of Pharaoh were great fits of Anti- Messiah Rage and so was those who wished to have Dani’el thrown in a Lion’s Den. From this Cyrus Persia Ruled Empire or Province was also India and the Counter Doctrine of Seraphim Numerology after Cherub Numerology. Was their God of Six Elements or arms at a place of the Globe where the River of Four River had Disappeared and left the Invisible attributes of Elohim of the Dividing of the people and holding back the Flood waters of the Wine Press at Armageddon. The Valley of Destruction. Therefore and only therefore is it that with this knowledge. Not to boast of defend English of being mixed with German words but rather yearn for the Gospel of the Coming Kingdom of Elohim. Spoken by Herbert w. Armstrong and Gerald Flurry as well as I to Cover the Earth like the waters of the Sea with our PCG Doctrine. This would be that if there is Greek and Latin renderings of 666 for Lateinos, Pope Clement Frances, and Previous Popes both in Greek and Latin. The one who Brakes Confusion form our Midst is he who has Wisdom and by the adding up of it by 666 in Greek. Yet in that the Scriptures were first written in Hebrew their also must be a Hebrew Alphabet to Numerology adding up of Both the Beast and Man of the Beast Romulus. This is the place the Anti- Messiah of Babylon Alphabet and Numerology seeks to Replace early of Hebrew. It is no to be Viewed as the Two Angel Legs in as much as the Stands or Reges or Lines with Pyramid Sun Scepters. That look like men on Torture Stakes in the time of Roman Crosses. Are not the Seven Pillars of the Earth neither the Tong of Egypt or the Devising of Seven Races of a Steam of Adam. That if you do seek Yahweh Elohim Early? You will realize Adam was taught in Palay Hebrew. Then the Ones who were Divided in Confusion and not to be Learned. By the Dividing of Babylonian sticks but Yashua Messiah and Yehezqel. That drew in the earth or sand reflecting on the Scriptures. The Saddest Part of the matter is each Babylonian Line or Reges. That formed its Language most likely from Nimrod himself was Divided by Jealousy and Animosity against my People of who was the True Israelites or Jews or Chosen Race and of Adam and the Second Adam. By the Fight of how was closer to Eber (a father of Hebrew) Abraham or the already Flourishing Nation of a Utopia; Shinar of Ashur. Abraham Destroyed them by the Power of the Chief Hebrew Heritage and Rightful Possessor of the Heritage. By the True Post flood Father of Hebrew and of the Yahudim (Jewish) and Yisra’elite (Israelite) Blood Line. Passed on to Abraham rather than Japheth and Ham. Who merged Nimrod- Raw the Sun god of Egypt or Regus the Anti- Messiah of Babylon and root of all Evil of Mystery Babylon the Great. I Would not be able to Understand the City of Destruction or City of Destruction now and that will be given their name or the fallen Babylon. That will be made a place for Wild Life Reserve like an Out Doors Museum; the place of a Dead Volcano. Without he Babylonian being Descriptive of the Babylonian Alphabet Haven never Learned it myself I do know where the Battles Proceed in Scripture. Herbert w. Armstrong haven not spoke of the 666 markings adding up of Beast and Name in Hebrew is sphere like the Sphere of what he Thought about the Wonderful World Tomorrow. I Have Yet more things to show you said Yashua Messiah and we shall know all things as he. The Children of Darkness Fight against us and yet Herbert. W. Armstrong was not Ignorant of the Dead Sea Scroll Findings. If anything he had the Over Helm Revelation of it. The New Testament was written first in Hebrew and his scoffers that rejected him as the Plain Truth reserved himself in a Place of Safety. Gerald Flurry has Witnesses this as the Key of David program something my father Clifford Kehoe also fought for as the Governing Law to be the lead of the Stubbornness. However they Resisted and sought for Laws such as Amber to Preach their Nazism over my generation of Jane Doe. A Battle much like the Devising between Dutch Black Dutch and German blood Strand. What is my Deal with Amber her Activist may speak look what Mob Family they are of? Again what is my Problem with Amber and her Authors of Confusion that resisted the Key of David as the Legacy of their Churches for New Law? Isabel, Yezebel, Jezebel your father and fathers are Drug dealer’s and your their Sorcery Worship Alter Sacrifice and lawyer. I would like to See you and your Calvary as a Jane Doe. You will remember how my father and mother Clifford and Ida had Rebuked you all for the Wrong choice to govern by TV of the Air and laws to pass their off. Instead you devised and plotted their early Death of Operation fowl ups and Depression of Lose of Wife- yes my Mothers favorite Sean was “Why it’s your Ancient enemy the Illuminati.” The Self Actualization Pyramided of Scale by Decades of the Aftermath of years is Amber Killed Jane Doe. By her Rule of Illuminati Rome and Distain for Gorge Bush. Amber has a Grand Mother but it is not of the Brittan Empire Dead Grave Yard or Ash Gardens. The Entity of Amber is of the Roman Empire skirt of Italy and Germany. When they don’t like a British Empire lean Law such as those who were Jane Doe Family Devout- True Roosevelt or Winston Church Hill voter. Then Amber herself causes children to be abducted and killed by her fairies and her fathers are glad to assist her. Get this may I repeat big sister and big Father of Rome somehow of them have a big brother and they kill molest and manipulate their own. Those who passed their Laws after such lewd crimes are those who were seeking not to be arrested. When their Over Lord Drug Rings were at the high of being Brought down because of the power the sought in Revolt. To the Key of David Programed my father and mother- a Jane Doe. Fought for and left Edmond Oklahoma in the first place over as Jane Doe Families were just as much under attack as our PCG Church. Anyhow she would be your Queen of Heaven not your Heavenly Jerusalem Vision. She is those who will be Destroyed by the force of flood and not the Reserved for the Promise of Migration and somehow they try to take the Kingdom by force. A Man that Stands Stern now for the Gospel of shortly to come pass. Prophecy’s will be Resisted by a population of un fertile women who will parish with their fathers and brothers. By beholding the unfertile Doctrine to make their sisters or daughters un fertile and it will not preserve them and they Do not have any for sight. For what concern will that day be to you and those who seam to be fertile by False Christian Church Doctrine. That Rejoice on the Luxuries of their Feats will be those who’s husbands and wife’s will parish with the darlings of their hearts. Furthermore this is not a Code operation of the Gov. of your Insolation by those whom you elect into office. They did not for see Dooms day and call you Destruction Children in fact rebuke them and appeal to the Jane Doe. Who will say to Amber as Directed by Elohim get away from me for I never knew you and this people are not my people. {From Herbert W Armstrong’s who and what is the Prophetic Beast Pg. 14-16; The Number of the “Beast”—6 6 6—Whose Number Is It? Where shall we find that mysterious number 666? Does the pope, as some claim, wear it on his crown, identifying him as the beast of Revelation 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere? Here are all the scriptures speaking directly of this number: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six Who or What Is the prophetic beast? 15 hundred threescore and six” (Revelation 13:17-18). “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God” (Revelation 15:2). Note These Points From these scriptures; we have the following definite points: 1. The beast has a number and may be identified, if we have wisdom, by this number. 2. The number is 666. 3. We are told to count this number—that is, add it up. The same Greek word is used elsewhere only in Luke 14:28: Count the cost. 4. This number, 666, is the number of the beast. The only Bible interpretation of this symbol, “beast,” is a kingdom or the king who rules it and, therefore, really is the kingdom (Daniel 7:17-18, 22-24, 27). Therefore 666 must be the number of the kingdom, or government, or empire, as well as that of the king who founds or rules it. 5. The expression “the name of the beast or the number of his name” makes plain that the number 666 is the number of the name of the kingdom or empire. 6. The expression “it is the number of a man” shows we must also count this number in the name of the king, or ruler, over the kingdom identified as the “beast.” The Beast Is Not the Woman In the 17th chapter of Revelation we find a beast, and a woman— a great, wealthy but fallen woman—who was riding the beast. The Bible describes the symbol “woman” to mean a church (see 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7; Ephesians 5:22-27). On the other hand, “beast” is a symbol of a kingdom, or empire. Let us be consistent. The beast of Revelation 13 is not the woman who rode the beast—the beast is the government, and the woman is a church. The beast of Revelation 13 is the Roman Empire! 7. This beast had a deadly wound (Revelation 13:3). That means who or What Is the prophetic beast? The beast ceased altogether to exist or function as it had since 31 B.C. Yet it’s deadly wound was later healed, after which (verse 5) it continued to exist another 1,260 years! Those who believe a church is the beast say this deadly wound came in 1798. But the church did not cease to function in that year. Napoleon’s abuse of the pope in 1798 could in no sense be called a wound to death. And those who teach this do not expect that church to continue on another 1,260 years. The Founder of Rome The founder and first king of Rome was Romulus. The Roman Empire was named after him. His name, the name of a man, also is the name of the kingdom. And every citizen in the kingdom bears the same name—a Roman. When John wrote this Revelation, telling us to count the number of the beast, he wrote in the Greek language. Consequently, we should look for this name, and the number 666, in this language recognized in the Bible, not in the Latin. We are all familiar with the Roman numerals, where letters are used for numbers. All understand that I am 1, v is 5, x is 10, etc. But many do not know that the Greek language, in which the book of Revelation was written, also uses letters for numbers. In the Greek, the language in which Revelation was written, this name was understood in the second century A.D. to have originally been spelled Latinos. It signifies “Latin man” or “the name of Latium,” from which region the Romans derived their origin and their language. This word, too, signifies “Roman.” In the Greek, l is 30, A is 1, T is 300, E is 5, I is 10, N is 50, O is 70, S is 200. Count these figures. They count to exactly 666! It is indeed no coincidence that the name of the kingdom, its founder and first king, and of each man in the kingdom, counts to exactly 666! Certainly the beast stands identified!} {“Here” is the mind “That” has ‘Wisdom” A Pre 1939-45 Prophecy Published in a Book in 1952, 1960, of the only Church of God (Elohim) prophesying the One who is as Hitler, as it is the church was refunded in 1924-1927-1931. This is how we are to Pin Point Indeed Elijah (Herbert W. Armstrong) is coming, but I say to you Elijah has already Come (John the Baptist), or Elijah is Coming (Gerald Flurry). Elijah has also come (Herbert W Armstrong) or Elijah is “coming” (Jesse Joseph Kehoe) but Elijah has Also come (Gerald Flurry)! There were even Three Wars previously to have prophesied of World War 1-2, Desert Storm, Kuwait, War on Terrier, World War III, and Armageddon in Details. However I wish it- take it back to the Civil War times of not Elian G. White, but Elian G. Whites, Prophet/ Apostle. She Betrayed in her Own Great Falling Away, taking credit for her teacher. Prophecy of the Period, she now Denounced and Inside Jezebel. Portrayed a Foundation for Sons of Perditions. For those who are strong inside Sabbath Church Keepers. We know are History in this case. Rather than coming out of her my people, for her sins have reached to Heaven. As the Church was infected with Roman Rituals such as Pagan Holidays. While calling USA Babylon in her Book America in Prophecy. We can Conclude that of the small remnant she stole the flock from that that was left. Who were either Feast Day Keepers in the Homes- to some extent their Congregations. At least border line being weaned from Pagan Days. Since their accuser, Elian G. White, now said they must have been the Pagan Babylon Branch. As she denounced America in Civil War Times calling it Babylon. More so to say that it was Actual Babylon. So their teaching lingers not to make a clear destination. The English people are of the Tribes of Yisra’el. Thus here Counterpart enemy would be a Strong English man who if didn’t expect his Yisra’elite Heritage back to England by Self- Actualization. The Intermediate of prays, Yashua Messiah made intersession for him. Being the time was Reserved from the time of Herbert w. Armstrong’s Life. To Prophecy of Yisra’el going into Captivity for forgoing their Yisra’elite Heritage. From what I can tell by what the Spirit Expressly says, Tkach finds his root from an early Culvert Operation of Spy’s that creep into the Church of God (Elohim) Sabbath Keeper Ruminant from Road Island. For it was a military operation to have a form of Elohimliness (Godliness) but lacking it power. For to steal a strong Sabbath Keeping Flock and then shift them into Sunday Baptist. While keeping a small Ruminant to yourself as a threshing hammer is to say. That the object here was to win Church Souls to the Democratically. Free the slaves only to hide their plans to launch a War to be Ruled by Roman Government Law. Rather than England Law, for to them the New Government was to be a Gentile One. Abraham Lincoln another Son of Perdition, caused to step formward. So in essence the Seventh Day Adventist just became another Jewish Orthodox sell out sub group. To be a Corner Stone to Sunday Church Politics back to Lutheran Rome Germany Reformation. Rather than to England. As it is Tkach thought of themselves. To be removing their Orthodoxy. Yet preaching through the same quit to say they were Orthodox in Nature. Orthodox Sunday conspirers who only keep the Sabbath as a first… men as to steal a flock back to Rome. If this root has a root then it has a head or if this head has a head it has a root, and we all know Tkach was sent onto the Church by a Liberal Democratic secret military action of those linked back to JFK, Lincoln, and the Confederates enemy’s (HOW DO WE KNOW THE CONFEDERATE FLAG IS THE RIGHT FLAG FOR EPHRAIM AND MANASSEH? BRITAIN AND USA ARE LIKE TWO OXEN WITH TWO HORNS. THAT PUSH THE PEOPLES OF THE NATIONS TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH! THIS MAKES THEM A CONFRONTATIONAL PEOPLE. ONLY IN THE SINCE THAT THEY BECOME A HEAVENLY STONE TO ROME, AND THE PUSH TO FORM THE EXISTING RESISTANCE POLITICS, ONE FOLD AFTER ANOTHER. TWO OXEN BANNER MEANS THEIR FLAGS. ENGLAND AND THE CONFEDERATES OF USA HAVE TO LOOK JUST ALIKE. AS ANCIENT ISRAEL OF THESE TWO TYPES BANNERS WERE TWO OXEN PUSHING ENEMY SHIELDS DUET 33:17). Who were the byproduct of the Democrats that snuck into their camps to bread Racism. For instance, Sadden Husain, bread the Spirit of Terrier after the Revolution War of 1979. So that he would for fill his destiny when he was finely executed. So the Spirit of Terrier, or every filthy and dirty bird in their cages he had created. Spread out into all the Islamic Republic. After being hardened up during the Iraq and Iran War, and their after math’s. The Subject Line here would be bread the Spirit to fill the body recipients of a later time with your Selected Demons of chose. To your Selected War and Government of chose. The Holy Spirit would be the Opposite as suns of days. Tkach after Elian G white, became the new Man of Sin or Strong delusion. He was Elian G. White the Church by Ancient Military Code of her Husband Named White- Germany to Gather all White Colored Peoples Under their Shadow of Tree Despite they were Gentiles. The man of her House Hold as a Woman Preacher was far out of its time. For it wasn’t until after World War I that women could join the work place, or speak in Church. So her to be allowed Early Measure was not of the Holy Spirit of what they would call democracy. However men of the Roman Side of the equation; wolfs in sheep’s clothing; Germans in English skins; speaking in lying signs and wonders. As the true Seven Day Church of the Sardis Era. Herbert w. Armstrong’s to be Flock, had a decline in membership. As it was called the Dead Era, with only a few names who remained faithful- the wound up in Eugene Oregon}. Along with and this Gospel shall be preached to all the Nations of the Earth and then the end shall come. He died in 1986 and left behind many more Prophecies of a Legacy. As the Second Coming of Elijah to Restore All Things. Proven as the Anointed of the Most Set Apart by counting another 62 years to 1986-1989. In the First Three Years of His Death the Man of Sin was Revealed as his Successor. That discontinued his writings haven been a spy creep in which was the Mystery of Lawlessness. Already at work keep from doing so by he who was restrains (Herbert w. Armstrong). Until he was taken away in 93 years of age and would be Revealed in his own time. In 1989 the close of this Chapter and the start of a New the Book Malachi’s Message- to God’s Church Today. Was written by Gerald Flurry and put into Circulation of the Church. Discussing these matters of Seven Thunders Reviled to be the Little Book in Latter Times. The Thunders included the Man of Sin. Yashua the High Priest, Zerubbabel, the Mystery of Lawlessness. He who now Restrains to be Reviled in his own times. The Second Coming of Elijah, and Elisha that fallows in Double Portion of Spirit. As successor this lead to his dis-fellowship with John Amos and the Establishment of the Philadelphian Church of God in 1990. Where 10% off the 100,000 came to their side in counting a work Satan had attempted to discontinue. What’s interesting is (Dan 9:25) Sixty-Two Weeks is Seven Weeks that is Really One Week. Anyhow from 1924-1927 to 1986-1989 we have a Sixty-Two year work Anointed and Sealed to Continue. This is seven more long weeks. I heard to the Second Louder Degree first spoken to me through a sleeping man. Dan 9:26 “and after sixty two weeks Messiah (Working through Armstrong) shall be cut off (By his Death that Lead to a Church Split) and have naught and the people of coming prince (Man of Sin) shall destroy the set apart place. And the end of it is with a flood (The true Anti- Messiah/ Christ outside the Church from Germany) and wastes are decreed and fighting until the end.” What you may not understand to the Prophetic Calendar doesn’t adhere and enters another Sphere of Seven Threads from Two. Counting from Sixty-Two to Sixty-Nine we have another Prophetic Week to count of Seven Days a piece or by the three year grace rule installment extermination. Ten years for one worse. Anyhow from 1986-1989 we Count Seven Years and Land on 1993-1995. This is when other brake offs of the World Wide Church of God began creating the United Church of God, Global Church of God, Living Church of God, Restored Church of God. When the World Wide Church of God pressed a law suit on the Philadelphian Church of God- First branch out for preprinting Herbert w. Armstrong. Continued works as was the case with 70, and 62 with 7. We count Three Cycles for a third phase of Revelation of Seven Thunder or seven long more weeks. Grown louder and clear to the ear. The next count brings us to 2000-2003. The after math of the Philadelphian Church of God. Winning the court battle and thus receiving their First Fold of Double Revelation. The World Wide Church of God appealed counting politically in regards to the U.S.A. 1993-1995 was a time of no spoils from Desert Storm Bush Sir and Saddam Hussein of Iraq. 2000-2003 was the time of Iran pledging to become a Nuclear Power. The 9/11 attacks of 2001 which began the War on Terror in Iraq annihilated Iran’s enemy of Saddam Hussein, and bringing the unstable region onto their divided conquered control. By means of our provoked army by Terrorist they fund. Counting another Seven year cycle we come to 2007-2010 for the Church of God. This was a time of Double Portion of the Elijah Spirit on Elisha (Gerald Flurry). That brought more of a completion to the free book library. Offered to the public with books and booklets on all the Major and Minor Prophets. To no avail to the World Wide Church of Gods appeals. This also caused the writing of the only book on the market for mainstream purposes; Raising the Ruins. Written and put out over the Bitter Court Battle and Armstrong’s Legacy that he was right. It was to show out of the seven branches. That had the baton as rightful successor from the Mount Zion of Revelation. Furthermore politically it was the time periods that Economy of the USA crumbled. Britain was attacked to by Sub Way Bombing. Bringing the War on Terror closer to Ephraim. And Yisra’el the Yahudim (Jews) were moved on in the Lebanon Hezbollah lead War against Israel. Demonstrating their weakness to partake Gaza strip by Hamas and the Media. To start professing the Jews (Yahudim) as the victimizers. By retaliation on those who creep in their land founded by Iran. Linked to al-Qaida and the Taliban working in Iraq. As well by channels from Afghanistan where we were losing a Two Front War. In 2008 we Witnessed the Russia and Georgian War exploding on the scene. As a type of Angel from the cast. This was Russia telling the World it was again a force to be reckoned with. Backed by the Involvement of Surprise like a bear grazing in a Bush then charging through. Thus those under thus end of Asia’s shadow and along the South Western Boarders of Europe. Feared their master and became of the Asia Trading Bloc in its sub sector. This caused the Resigning of the Peace Treaty of World War II. Most of all when Bush wished to put a Missile Defense System in Georgia. At the end result over Iran and North Koreas Nuclear Programs. As a face cover to have a missile reach over Europe Load Germany. Russia of former soviets, and Japan former World War II Emery’s. Including China, former Communist. Who had sought to Destroy us Economically. It outraged all the World and Bush who seen the threat of World War II times pre emerged. Became a laughing stock amongst the Nations and at Home. For meddling in Foreign Affairs with such boast. When he couldn’t even take care of Hurricane Katrina affairs at home. The Media was gladly to push this story. As they did the Palestinian Version against the Peace Keeping Process. With the Yahudim in Islam’s favor because of their lack of demarcate views of an Unpopular War. Feed idealities by Terrorist linking Bush to the Conspiracy. As a strategic same plan to put blame on the escape goat and barring with the hatchet- strike the Shepard and the sheep will scatter. 2009 the abomination President Barack Obama was Elect President. As the Foolish Shepherd that leads the flock astray. The Prince of the Covenant with Anti- Americanism Nations. Who are a Modern Day type of Babel in Spirit called the United Nations. Lead by Nimrod a Modern type of Anti- Messiah/ Christ of the Germanic lead European Union. Obama is a waste decreed and a Curse for fighting’s until the end. (Zech 11:10) says for look I am raising up a shepherd in the land who does not visit those straying (V.16). Nor seek the young nor heal those that are broken. Nor feed those that still stand. But he does eat the flesh of the fat (V.15) and tear off hooves. Though he preaches the cause of our people in an Anti-War Pro Peace manner. He is not for our people nor any and will cause bigger and Deadly Wars. Began 1,000 of years back to come again. Our own country quicker than any Economy of the World could become better. He is a pawn of the Anti- Messiah/ Christ a physical type of Man of Sin who sets himself over the House of Elohim. As the Son of Table of Syrian Encampments among Ephraim’s (Britain) company. He is the Lawlessness that was at work until he who was removed (Bush) was Revealed and yet still Remains. A Mystery to many when he’s preached to put a Mosque at Ground Zero. Come around 2010. Sealing our fate of Elohim’s Curse by changing the National Christian Faith of Our Nation to other elohim’s (gods). Boasting Evil Things of diameter while siding with an Enemy Shrine of Memorial. Declaring in mockery to our people we have Lost the War on Terror with cunning. As if you can’t beat them then join them. However this Image stinks of Jealousy shall be wiped away. For what this people Perform in their Heart to all together become like the Gentiles shall not be nor come to pass says Yahweh. Thus from here on out is with Greater Exploits is to Feed the Flock for Slaughter. In Particularly the Poor of the Flock who were watching me. This now Administration of Leaders care not of. Also 2010 Marks Seven Seals haven been loosened to face times Height of Degree or about-face. The Angel preparing the way for tail Seven Trumpet Blast. To offer up the prayer of the Saints. By crossing over onto a new time. For he takes the conqueror files it with fire and casts it to Earth. After a Half an Hour of Silence where there are noises, thunders lightning’s, and an earth quake. The North Korea and South Korea Crises. As another type of Angel from the East. Proceeding the Ireland Volcano Eruption compared with Heavenly Signs just beforehand 2010. It was a rebuke to the United States spread by the Five Winds of the Four Trading Bloc’s. Going back the Missile Defense proposal- the Sword of the Red Horseman. That took peace from the Earth by Bush in 2008. For his very necessary response to Georgas outcry. In response to prior World War II trends entangling heavier picked up. Who issued the rebuke but Russia, China, Japan, North Korea and Iran because after the Prophetic Count of Seven more Times three more times… We run from the threat of Five having a 1,000 reasons to enter the War to be a wall of Defense against World War III. That crashes down on Yisra’el first and then onto Modern Yisra’el; Us in other words. The North Korea Crisis was a staged event to Demons strength’s- the us as weakened. So as not to be able to up hold Yisra’el at the peak. Keeping Yahudim (Jews) by not having a Strong Anti- Nuclear Power initiative. At the Sanction Table so who’s really being covertly Sanctioned? By their own Sanction proposals for Iran. Thus the Brother Hood of the allies has further been broken and the Brits and the Jews (Yahudim) can no longer rely on the us for protection. From Iran in the face of the Troop Recall and withdrawal (spender) by Obama. As Sympathizer of the Islamic Brotherhood and his Anti- American thwarted policy. This is the Last Seven Long More Weeks or Thunders of this Third Cycles caped at 2010.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 06:48:04 +0000

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