Charlie Hebdo’s journalists were murdered for doing. Now people - TopicsExpress


Charlie Hebdo’s journalists were murdered for doing. Now people are being attacked simply for being After Wednesday’s attack on Charlie Hebdo, an argument doing the rounds was that it would have been better not to publish cartoons that were deliberately provocative when the magazines had already suffered violent attacks. Why should the journalists put themselves and others, including Muslim policeman Ahmed Merabet, at risk of death? Now two people are dead in a kosher grocers in eastern Paris, perhaps those who thought that it unwise to publish aggressive cartoons can have a think again. Five or six people are believed to be being held hostage in the shop. The shop sells kosher food. Jews buy kosher food. The attackers appear to be killing people not for what they have been doing, but for who they are. Killed for being Jews.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 03:46:24 +0000

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