Chase Update: Day 76 Wed. Sept. 3rd 9:30 pm Day 43 at Craig - TopicsExpress


Chase Update: Day 76 Wed. Sept. 3rd 9:30 pm Day 43 at Craig hospital Chase rocked it in speech today. He was able to make N and L sounds so well today, as well as improving on his B & Ms and make the H sound he loved having speech for a solid hour instead of two - thirty min sessions. I hope they do it again. Chase had school for the first time today. It was mostly just the teacher geting a feel for where is at mentally and academically at this stage. In PT he continues to strengthen his legs and improve his ability to walk. He is working on getting approval to take himself to class. He wants to be independent. Its so hard to be quiet and let him do it on his own. We went to a shopping center for an outing today. As Chase is waking up more he is less impressed with the pull on pants and t-shirt the hospital recommended I bring. Chase was a button up shirt, tie and sweater, fitted vest, and dress shoes wearing teenager. He loved clothes and dressing well before the accident. He found H&M today and apparently not much has changed. They had a ton of amazing $5&7 deals they just marked down today. I am exhausted. I hate shopping unless its online, but he is so excited about his purchases. Phil will hate everything he got lol! Its really great to see him caring about music and his appearance again. They are shallow things, but they were a big part of his identity so its a relief. I love hearing Chase pray. He says its not a good prayer because he cant say actual words, but its the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Tonight my prayers are full of gratitude for the simple miraculous moments like shopping with Chase or talking about music. He introduced me to dubstep, and I introduced him to Simon and Garfunkel, and REM. Its amazing how much he can communicate without speaking, I usually just make up something in my favor if I dont understand him, and he just shakes his head and smiles. Stuff like, oh you think Im the most amazing mom in the world- awe - thanks chase! Hee hee! We continue to pray each day for his speech and mobility to keep improving. We continue to pray for you and your families. We pray you have laughter, and joy this week. May God bless you and keep you until we meet again. We are legion.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:23:47 +0000

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