Check out our September newsletter!!! Where did the Summer - TopicsExpress


Check out our September newsletter!!! Where did the Summer go? Far too quickly---dont you agree!! Yet, we had non-humid weather, bright blue skies with strong sunshine over the summer which was truly a rarity for New England. Thats for sure!! Now, its turned cold already and I heard that many fallen acorns have occurred and that it looks like it could be a very heavy winter. So its time to get ready! To think about winter is not fun I know---and now Fall is underway its our time to do so! With vacations done and kids back to school have you thought of how you need to make the transition to the colder season? Long pants, coats, hats/gloves . . . blankets, turning on the heat? I think its time to consider how to keep your body strong. What is your exercise plan, or how will it change? Are you walking every day for fresh air and exercise? Winter is the time daily meals change too? Have you noticed that? More meatloaf, turkey, steaks, large dinners---are back and your body craves them to help your body be strong through a cold winter. Its a good time to consider how your nutritional plan can change too? More vegetables---and watching that what you prepare together is well balanced. This all helps your physical strength. But more importantly, have you seen the doctor for a possible ache or pain that you cant get rid of? Sore back from sitting tooooooo long? Sitting in a chair that isnt good for you? Pain can happen when your mind isnt even aware because youre focusing on the other important things. In my life, nothing is more important than listening to your body and being aware of the possible warning signals. Rotator cuff, side aches, knee overextensions, runners hip pain, weight gain and how it effects your mobility, neck turns that traumatize and impact your head-shoulder-neck movement, shoulder, arm and wrist pain---I can go on and on. Please do you own physical assessment and be honest. What can you do now in the Fall to get better prepared for winter? If you do, you will be proud that you did! And feel the benefit from it since youll be able to get through winter without a physical concern. Wishing you a great Fall Season! Jump into the leaves for me!! Best Regards, Eric Edelman,PT Owner, Peak Physical Therapy & Wellness Thought About ARTHROSCOPIC KNEE SURGERY? Arthroscopic knee surgery is a common surgical procedure in which the knee is viewed using a small camera. Arthroscopy gives doctors a clear view of the inside of the knee to diagnose and treat knee problems. It is most commonly used to: • Remove loose fragments of bone or cartilage • Remove or repair of torn meniscus • Fix a torn anterior or posterior cruciate ligament • Fix medial or lateral collateral ligaments • Trim articular cartilage • Remove inflamed synovial tissue What do the components of a normal knee do? • Femur and tibia – the two bones of the joint • Meniscus – shock absorbers between femur and tibia • Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments – prevent the bones from sliding forward or backward • Medial and lateral collateral ligaments – prevent sliding side to side • Articular cartilage, synovial tissue and bursa – help knee move smoothly and absorb shock How does physical therapy help after knee surgery? • Guiding patient back to prior level of function while following surgeon protocol and guidelines • Gradual stretching and strengthening • Balance and gait training - weaning off assistive devices • Manual therapy - passive motion, stretching, massage, mobilization • Modalities - electrical stimulation, cold laser therapy, ultrasound • Aerobic exercise - bike, walking, swihe human body is made for mobility, and our spine plays an important role. A healthy spine is strong and supple, allowing for movement and a wide range of motion. Our spine supports our frame, acts as a shock absorber, and protects our spinal cord, nerves, and organs. Not only does a healthy spine keep us in motion, but our spine can impact future health as well—many people with back pain are more likely to be generally less healthy. Let Peak Physical Therapy help you get strong and back on your feet after knee surgery!! Welcome TRACY DARPINO from FITNESS FACTOR, QUINCY to Peaks Quincy Office!!! Tracy holds a B.S in Exercise Science and is a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant. She is well versed in many aspects of fitness which include; a master trainer for Nautilus, Schwinn and BOSU. Former faculty member for Boston Sports Club and educator for Sunshine Fitness Resources, Tracy has also administered strength training research under the direction of Dr. Wayne Westcott. Tracy provides a number of different workout programs----Yoga, Pilates, Cross Training, TRX and personal or group training . . . Contact her today to receive more infomation . . . thefitnessfactor@yahoo or 617. 519.7271 Have you had a Post Concussion? A concussion is caused by direct or indirect trauma to the brain. It can be considered a mild traumatic brain injury because of the impact of the brain hitting the skull and the shearing force on the brain. Concussions are now a more common and serious problem among athletes. Many of these individuals can suffer from post-concussion syndrome, which leads to cognitive, balance, and visual problems. Read more . . . Peak Physical Therapy Staff Team will be participating in the South Shore Marathon November 2nd! 12 enthused staffers sponsored by friends and family will be running from Peak --- All for a Good Cause: CALLE and research to fight DIPG--Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. Come and Donate! Raffles and prizes are part of the event!! Its a lovely time of year to get out and WALK!! Beautiful Fall Colors! Strength Training . . . When beginning a strength training program, muscle strength in patients is measured and assessed to set a focused course of treatment. Many times, a particular sport or workout can cause the body to be unbalanced—when some muscles are overdeveloped and some underdeveloped. A therapist or trainer can prescribe a course of strengthening that will create balance and flexibility in the body. peaktherapy Like us on Facebook! Click the logo and you will go to the Peaks facebook page! © 2014 Evolocity Inc. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:23:39 +0000

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