Chemtrails ~ WhySprayTheSky Natural Health Enterprises ~ since - TopicsExpress


Chemtrails ~ WhySprayTheSky Natural Health Enterprises ~ since 1975 ~ trusted online since 1999 Why Spray The Sky? Look Up And Watch! We Must Stop The Spraying To Avoid Early Death! by Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div. holistic natural health & wellness educator, social analyst & author Criss-Crossing Aerosol Sprays (Chemtrails) THESE ARE ARTIFICIAL SPRAYS, NOT REAL CLOUDS & NOT JET CONTRAILS! Please support this website. Watch The Sky! What Is Atmospheric Aerosol Geoengineering? Have you noticed the frequent presence of unusually long-lasting emission trails from airplanes stretching across the sky? These are NOT normal airplane contrails, which are made up of frozen condensation from a jets exhaust in certain conditions. Relatively harmless condensation trails may occasionally extend behind a jet plane from a few times its length up to perhaps a mile or so, depending on the moisture content in the surrounding air being about 72%. Normal contrails usually occur high in the atmosphere where the air is extremely cold, and dissipate very quickly, similar to the mist from your exhaling breath on a cold winters day. On the other hand, if you keep your eye on the sky on days with visibility, you will probably notice eventually a whole sector or even the whole sky full of unusually long persistent trails of chemical aerosols. Often you will notice the airplanes at work emitting these trails. They can also shoot out a chemical bomb to quickly form a larger mass of artificial material. Gradually a haziness coats the sky, often lingering into the night. Once again, jet condensation trails (like your breath on a cold morning) are NOT persistent, so do not accept an attempt to dismiss chemtrails as abnormally long-lasting persistent contrails. Studying these chemtrails when they are being dispersed, youll see that they cross the sky and last a long time. Often the trails crisscross each other. They gradually expand out into artificial cirrus clouds, wispy odd-looking streaks, often with abnormal layering. The chemical clouds attract moisture, so various types of water vapor clouds may form from the the artificial ones, gradually increasing the haze. Natural clouds usually form from high humidity low in the atmosphere. (Thus natural clouds and true jet condensation trails, contrails, actually arise in TOTALLY DIFFERENT conditions.) With real clouds in the sky it is harder to distinguish the chemical trails and the fake clouds they create. The dispersal of the aerosols is usually in the stratosphere above any normal clouds already present. Once the fake clouds develop, they may look wiry or have wispy hairs, vertical ribbing or spiky edges. To minimize questioning about it, this disguised spraying activity is not publicized by authorities. Many in the scientific community who are aware of the controversy, are prompted by the threat of ridicule to claim that there is no evidence of the chemical components of what most people ignorantly assume are normal jet contrails. Beyond that, there are disinformation websites with the purpose of debunking the exposure of chemtrails. There is actually conclusive evidence of the aerial spraying of toxic agents, but there are few recognized scientists who have investigated. Scientists are rarely willing to risk their reputation to be mocked for investigating what is labeled a conspiracy theory. Those who are behind this unannounced spraying do their best to divert attention from it. There are no research grants from the elite non-profit corporations and foundations to support analysis of this issue. There is little coverage in the main media. So most institutional researchers accept the official false pronouncements by government bureaucrats and the military that these trails are normal but longer lasting contrails, and that there are no chemical aerosols being sprayed. Although the nature of the vastly increased amount of trails in the skies is debated, those who dig into the subject deeply enough become convinced that the official story is either due to purposefully false disinformation, or ignorance by officials who have not been informed under the normal policy of the restricted need to know in secret operations. The limited number of compartmentalized workers that are aware of the reality of the chemical make-up of the aerosols either think that these sprays can be justified, or they are kept silent by fear of reprisal. Potential government and corporate whistleblowers are discouraged from acting, perhaps by greater risk than simply losing their job. (There have been an astounding number of key personnel involved in various secret programs killed in accidents or by reported but unlikely suicide. Perhaps their usefulness was subsiding and/or there was a concern of their revealing something.) Is This About Global Warming? Knowledgeable officials, when cornered, have cited stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering for solar radiation management (SRM) to reduce global warming or for weather improvement as the reason for spraying chemtrails. In fact, there are questionable international agreements for developed nations to pursue this geo-engineering, purportedly as an environmental trade-off for their greater carbon emissions. The chemicals in the sky are said to be there for cutting down on sunrays warming the Earth, solar dimming, supposedly to cool the atmosphere. However, the reduced sunlight is unhealthy for living organisms, contributing to serious vitamin D deficiency in humans and animals, and deterioration and death of trees and plant life. Geoengineering is also altering ocean currents, causing arctic ice to melt and release methane. That will ruin the atmosphere and the planet. So chemtrail geoengineering is causing the symptoms of climate change that it is supposedly being done to counter. The notion that global warming is caused by normal human activities is a complete hoax created by the elite powers with their own motives, and presented by their public puppets. Burning hydrocarbon fuels to drive our cars and heat and power our homes is not a significant cause of global warming. Actually, the powers that be have bound us to oil and gas use for purposes of profit and control, while suppressing free non-polluting energy alternatives (eg., Nikola Teslas work), that could have been fully deployed long ago. If there really is sustained warming, it is due to the geo-engineering itself, as well as to natural earth and solar changes. It is not being caused by humans burning carbon based fuels. Even the carbon emission alarmists are now using climate change as a more universal term so they can point to any severe weather related disaster (often generated on purpose) to support the carbon fraud. The climate change due to human caused carbon emissions issue is a fraudulent attempt at control of the population by the elite powers. Using falsified statistics they have convinced many that such human activity is ruining the planet. Meanwhile they are working to establish opportunities to gain greater profits and population control from the fraud that carbon emissions cause global warming. The intent of the carbon emissions climate change fraud is for the international powers to justify restrictive control of human activities as they move toward one world government, a global carbon tax to fund this governance system, and expanded manipulation of the weather in part for increasing elite fortunes with weather derivatives and carbon credits trading. These exotic financial markets were developed by powerful financial interests, who have funded false scientific statistics and fraudulent propaganda to create the global warming paranoia for their own manipulative agenda, of which chemtrails is a part. Harmful Purposes There are evidently other purposes of the chemtrails beyond the claim of reducing solar heating. In fact the artificial clouds actually increase global warming by forming a carbon-retaining blanket in the atmosphere. The chemical aerosols are also thought to be part of a weather modification system that effects rainfall, causing either drought or rain, sometimes including severe storms and floods. The chemtrails may be used in conjunction with electromagnetic transmissions from the secretive High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) installation in Alaska. It is used for electromagnetic experimentation, weather and earth modification, mind control and warfare. This technology can heat the ionosphere and bounce signals off of the metals in the chemtrails. Some analysts believe this may be causing the severe drought in many agricultural areas, as well as the many damaging storms, tornadoes, and earthquakes occurring, and that these are being generated on purpose. (Watch an intro video about HAARP here and more about it here.) Further, the metal salts of silver iodide, aluminum, barium, strontium, thorium, cadmium and manganese, some of them radioactive; the sulfur dioxide (maker of acid rain), sulfur hexafluoride, ethylene dibromide, plastic fibers and micro-crystals; and the BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES, the mold and fungal spores, algae, bacteria, blood cells and insect eggs; that are being released in the chemtrails, are nearly all harmful to humans, animals and plants. You and your loved ones are breathing and swallowing these health damaging substances WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. Learn to identify chemtrails so you can recognize what is going on above and around you, and better understand what may be happening to you. Why havent we heard about this in the media? Because those who are behind it also control the media. Recently, carbon hoaxer Al Gore planted disinformation about geo-engineering on TV talking with Ellen Degeneris, saying it is something being considered, as though it isnt already being done. His award winning propaganda movie, An Inconvenient Truth, is full of bogus information to further the elite agenda of global control. In fact, the geo-engineering that has been done so far has caused a greenhouse feedback loop, increasing warming in crucial areas. The melting of the north polar ice it is causing results in the release of methane, which is which is 100 times a greater problem than other carbon emissions are. As the environment deteriorates, vast numbers of people may die from starvation and disease or worse. The methane release being caused by chemtrails could make Earth uninhabitable in a few short years if not stopped. Look Up And Watch The Sky! What & Why Are They Spraying In The Sky? We Deserve To Know Earths environment is in grave danger from the poisons of stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering, aka chemtrails. Hundreds of species are going extinct, trees are dying in great numbers, and the Earth may become a dead planet. Click here to hear Jons internet radio broadcast on chemtrails. Click here for a Colorado Fox TV Channels news reporting on chemtrails.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:32:41 +0000

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