Chief Justice Mogoeng is not the best legal brain in this country, - TopicsExpress


Chief Justice Mogoeng is not the best legal brain in this country, the mans comments about marrying religion and statecraft are misguided and an indication of his intellectual depth! His comments about Integrating religion into law are no different from the Taliban agenda of Islamizing public spaces. If his jurisprudence was polished, he would realize that there is a big difference between law and personal and religious ethiics. What is next is he going to ask for the Bible to used as a science textbook? The ten commandments and sharia law have a bad track record when incoroporated into public law. He conveniently forgets that Religion and Statecraft have a bloody and bad track record! His statements have earned him the Moegoe of the week award for this week. As much a I am a Christian, the separation of church and state is sacrosant to me! This Moegoe is swimming without trunks, and his intellectual bankruptcy exposed for all to see! He should hang his empty head in shame for even thinking along this way! Gimme a secular state anyday and impeach this sectarian Judge, Like his President he is a threat to the values in our constitution! For the life of me , I never thought we would have a buffoon on the bench. Judges should think before speaking and not be mere motor mouths
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 04:57:21 +0000

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