Chinese Year of the Monkey 2014 For the person born in the Year - TopicsExpress


Chinese Year of the Monkey 2014 For the person born in the Year of the Monkey 2014, the Year of the Horse, should be a lucky year. 2014 is a year you will do well provided you use your considerable skills. Your natural exuberance and energy should put you in good stead for 2014, the Year of the Horse. Just be sure to remain focused and work towards your goals! So what does 2014 hold for the Year of the Monkey person? First, lets have a look at what Chinese astrology tells us about the Year of the Monkey person. The monkey is an energetic sharp-minded animal which has a strong sense of humour. The monkey also has been close to many people. Chinese astrology says the Year of the Monkey person is a clever energetic person but whose sense of mischief sometimes gets them into trouble. The monkey Chinese zodiac animal is well liked by the Chinese. Over the years, it has been an integral part of literature, the pets of Chinese Emperors and the symbol of good luck. Many examples of this can be found in China in drawings, carvings, and on many toys - all designed to bring good luck. Monkeys are closely related to apes who in turn are closely related to people. Thus, the Chinese people have formed a close bond with the monkey. The monkey is one the most intelligent of all the zodiac animals. And so, the Year of the Monkey person is clever with a strong thirst for knowledge, a wonderful memory and able to recognize opportunities. But the monkey zodiac animal is also playful and capable of mischief and trouble. Just have a look at some monkeys - noisy, jumping around and playing tricks. So the Year of the Monkey person can be a joker by playing tricks and not being serious. So the Year of the Monkey person is clever, energy and often inspires others. Their sense of humour is often liked and can be endearing to others. However, when their frivolity goes over the top, they can be annoying. The Year of the Monkey person needs to realise when their humour is accepted and when the time has come to stop. What will 2014 - the Year of the Horse- have for the Year of the Monkey person? Remember that the Year of the Monkey person is clever and has lots of energy. The Monkey person is always on the go - just like the monkey zodiac animal swinging from branch to branch and always on the move. 2014 - the Year of the Horse - will provide lots of opportunities to make use of this energy. The Monkey person, with their intelligence and energy should do well in 2014. But good fortune in 2014 is not guaranteed. The mischievous nature of the Year of the Monkey person can prevent success from occurring. Their playful nature could lead to trouble if not controlled. For the person born in the Year of the Monkey 2014 (the Year of the Horse) should be a fortunate year as long as good luck is not driven away by foolish behaviour. A sense of humour and light hearted behaviour is always welcome - in fact it is a desirable trait. Just dont overdo it and turn people off! 2013 was regarded by many Chinese people as a good year because it was the Year of the Snake. But 2014 is looking good too. So if you were born in the Year of the Monkey 2014 should be a lucky year if you dont spoil it. The Year of the Monkey person should try to control their more silly behaviour in 2014. Otherwise, you wont be taken seriously. As usual, there will be challenges in 2014 - especially if your frivolous behaviour gets the better of you. But the Year of the Monkey person is very clever and has the ability to overcome challenges if they put their mind to it! Just think about the monkey. It makes a lot of noise and annoys people and other animals alike. Usually it runs away and no harm is done. But if its not thinking, it is trapped and harmed. Better for the monkey not to have got into trouble in the first place! 2014 will be similar for the Year of the Monkey person. You will annoy people if you are too naughty. A little bit of fun is welcome - too much stupidity will turn people away. Control your behaviour and make the best use of intelligence to make 2014 a memorable year. Year of the Monkey 2014 - Finances The Year of the Monkey person often does well in financial matters. Their intelligence, ingenuity and energy enables them to make money either in paid employment or business. For the person born in the Year of the Monkey 2014 can be a year in which money can be made. But you must use your strengths - intelligence, energy, agility, quick thinking and ability to recognize opportunities. Dont let your faults get in the way. Fool around too much and money making opportunities will slip away. Make the best of your great talents to get maximum benefit in 2014. However, some of the money you make in 2014 could be spent on things you would rather not. This is especially true of medical expenses. As has been said, the Year of the Monkey person is full of energy but sometimes is not serious enough about certain things. Look after your body - eat healthy food, exercise and get enough sleep. Dont ignore symptoms - have them checked out. If you dont take your health seriously, you may end up paying more on medical expenses than you bargained for. This is money spent that can be used for other things. If you heed these warnings, 2014 should be a good year. Year of the Monkey 2014 - Business and Careers The Year of the Monkey person is energetic, intelligent and ingenuous. Often they see opportunities that others do not and they have the ability to exploit those opportunities. For the person born in the Year of the Monkey 2014 should throw up new business and career opportunities. But, as always, be serious about them. Dont waste the opportunities with silly behaviour which destroys your credibility in the eyes of others. Work hard at them - after all you have great amounts of energy to do this. Be focused on your business or career goals. Do not let frivolous behaviour deviate you from your goals! Do not allow distractions to get in your way. Be focused and 2014 should be a good year for the Monkey person. Year of the Monkey 2014 - Romance As always, the Year of the Monkey person should have a great time with romance in 2014 the Year of the Horse. Remember - Year of the Monkey people are full of life and vigour. They are fun to be around. But they can also be emotional and get agitated. Just observe how a monkey behaves! Year of the Monkey people are liked by so many. The monkey persons sense of humour and playfulness is loved by many. For the person born in the Year of the Monkey 2014 should be a great year for romance but once again - dont go over the top. Too much frivolity and people get annoyed. Romance should prosper in 2014 provided the Year of the Monkey person knows how far to go with their fun behaviour. Year of the Monkey 2014 - Summary 2014 - the Year of the Horse - should be a lucky year for the Monkey person. Note - should be! The monkey persons good is very good - their bad is quite bad! Use your energy and intelligence to advantage. Leave the childish annoying behaviour behind. If you were born in the Year of the Monkey 2014 - the Year of the Horse - can be a great year if you apply yourself and use your considerable talents. Return to the Year of the Monkey 2014 Top of Page. Return to Chinese Calendar. Return to Home. Share this page: Whats This?
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:24:50 +0000

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