Chipimo calls for a neutral President to complete President - TopicsExpress


Chipimo calls for a neutral President to complete President Sata’s term Time Posted: July 17, 2014 5:59 am 1,899 views | 25 Comments | Email This Post | Print This Post | National Restoration Party president Elias Chipimo Republican President Michael Sata’s disappearance from public eye and quietness has continued to raise concerns among opposition political party leaders and other stakeholders in the country. National Restoration Party (NAREP) President Elias Chipimo says whatever is holding the president from attending to his daily duties needs serious reflections as to how the country moves forward. Mr. Chipimo notes that the nation is in limbo and has no choice but conclude that whatever is preventing the President from performing his duties is serious saying even the standard swearing- in ceremonies have come to an abrupt end. “There is a palpable tension in the country resulting from the silence surrounding the state of health of the republican president. “Speculation is mounting in people’s minds as to why the president has not been heard from directly, rather than through standard-issue photographs. Even the standard public swearing-in ceremonies seem to have been brought to an end. We are left to conclude that whatever is preventing the president from attending to his daily duties is serious and requires sober reflection on how we move forward as a nation from this point,” said the opposition leader. And Mr. Chipimo says there is need for the immediate implementation of his proposed blue print for a neutral president to be elected and serve reminder of President Sata’s term as there seems to a leadership crisis in the ruling party. He notes that there is need to wait for 2016 for his blue print proposal and calls on all well meaning Zambians to rally behind his proposal due to the alleged succession confusion that has hit the ruling party. “With the current confusion surrounding the succession wrangles within the PF, we believe that there is no longer any need to wait until 2016 to implement the NAREP Blueprint. “Let us not forget that leading a country involves more than chairing cabinet meetings. Leading a country requires a fit and healthy president with an eye fixed firmly on how to alleviate the many sufferings that ordinary Zambians are going through.” “The nation should rally around the idea of electing a neutral interim leader to serve out the remainder of President Sata’s term in anticipation of any early election should the republican president make the decision to resign his office, whether now or in the near future. He added that country needs a healthy President who will not only chair cabinet meetings but ensure that he is able to help alleviate the suffering the many impoverished Zambians. “Let us not forget that leading a country involves more than chairing cabinet meetings. Leading a country requires a fit and healthy president with an eye fixed firmly on how to alleviate the many sufferings that ordinary Zambians are going through.” Meanwhile Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) spokesperson Antonio Mwanza said it is irresponsible for President Sata to continue playing “hide and seek games” with nation. Mr. Mwanza notes that the only responsible thing for the republican President to do is to hold a live national address and assure the nation that the country is not on autopilot as opposed to “photoshoping” on Facebook. He explained that the continued hide and seek games has negative economic bearings on the nation further adding that the comedy is getting out of hand and that the president should realize that he is reading a nation as well as its people hence should attach the seriousness and importance his job deserves. Sata’s continued game of Hide and Seek is highest level of irresponsibility and a lack of courtesy and concern for his nation. “Sata’s continued game of Hide and Seek is highest level of irresponsibility and a lack of courtesy and concern for his nation. With all these rumors and speculation about him, the only responsible thing for him to do is to hold a LIVE national address to assure the nation that all is well and that the nation is not on auto pilot. Photo shopping on facebook shows the lack of seriousness on his part as leader of the nation. “Mind you his continued game of Hide and Seek has economic bearing on the nation as it usurps investor confidence. Moreover, there are URGENT constitutional functions like swearing in of the Attorney General and The Solicitor General that Sata has FAILED to perform. “I think this comedy is now going out of hand. Sata has to realize that he is in-charge of a nation and its people therfore he has to provide leadership and STOP this now you see me now you don’t game. As head of State in charge of the lives of all Zambians, it is totally unacceptable for him to be playing kabisha-bisha,” Mr. Mwanza said.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 06:49:16 +0000

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