Christian or Satanic? ________________________________________ - - TopicsExpress


Christian or Satanic? ________________________________________ - Christian Rock?, by Ric Llewellyn, published by Fundamental Evangelistic Association: This tract carefully details the Biblical screens any music must pass before it can be labeled as Christian (Eph. 5:18,19; Col. 3:16); i.e., the music must contain correct doctrine, and (a) its lyrics should be edifying, spiritually oriented, clear, conforming to biblical truth, and point our focus to Jesus Christ, (b) its score (the arrangement of the musical notes) should not overshadow the message conveyed by the lyrics, but should compliment it, and (c) its character (the attitudes in the music and of the performers) should be consistent with the purity of the message it claims to convey (reverence, worshipful, etc.). (Each of the above screens must stand on its own; i.e., one good aspect of the musics nature cannot sanctify any of the others.) (Please refer to Eph. 5:18,19 and Col. 3:16 at the end of this report.) (a) Lyrics - Our spiritual songs must be sufficiently clear so as to convey the truth plainly, and must be consistent with biblical revelation (i.e., sound doctrine)-the words should focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ and encourage practical submission to Gods order in all our personal affairs. Most contemporary Christian music can be rejected on the basis of lyrics alone-even when the lyrics are audibly clear, the predominance of false doctrine and/or the shallow view of the person and work of Jesus Christ is often appalling. (b) Score - The meaning of the word psalms originally denoted a striking or twitching with the fingers (on musical strings); only later did it come to mean a sacred song sung to musical accompaniment (Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words). Our psalms, or the arrangement of the musical notes, is a vital ingredient of the all-encompassing term we call music. This is because it is the area in which we are usually the most ignorant; i.e., medical research clearly supports the contention that musical tones and rhythms in and of themselves (i.e., without lyrics) can cause physical and emotional reactions over which the listener may have little or no control. Since the score of contemporary Christian rock music, with its syncopation and slurring of notes, is virtually indistinguishable from its secular counterpart, one has to wonder if spirituality is being eroded and carnality is being propagated. (One should always assess Christian music thusly: does it stir the flesh to boogie, or the spirit to praise the Lord?) (c) Character - Our hymns, or the character of the music, is its most obscure component. The character of much of what is called Christian music may best be characterized as charismatic, irreverent, universalist, socialist utopian idealistic, superficial religiousness, neo-evangelical, expressionistic, ostentatious, or in a myriad of other contexts (e.g.; What is the character of the music at a so-called Christian rock concert when whatever message is presented is punctuated by screaming guitars, smoke bombs, and a general atmosphere of frivolity?) And because the character of the music is not always readily apparent to the listener, it can have the most insidious effect on believers; i.e., tolerance or acceptance of false doctrine can arise from constant subjection to deficient and improper attitudes in music. The character of Christian music is easily adopted by listeners, which can then draw them away from the firm foundation of the Word. Music worthy of the name Christian ought to stimulate and simulate emotions compatible with true spirituality-the appropriate response to God and His Word. - Larry Norman is frequently dubbed the father of Christian rock. Norman makes the incredulous statement that rock n roll music originated in the Church hundreds of years ago, and that the devil stole it!! Therefore, Normans battle cry is to take rock music back for Jesus sake! (Since rock n roll music did not even come into being until the early 1950s, Norman is obviously unable to provide one shred of evidence for this claim). Norman titles one of his songs, Why Should the Devil Have All The Good Music, and in another song he refers to Christ (at His return for His Church) as an Unidentified Flying Object. In still another song, he pitifully trivializes the Gospel of the Resurrection with the following lyrics: They nailed Him to a cross, They put Him in the ground, Just goes to show you, https://youtube/watch?v=GzAYBeTWk38
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:21:55 +0000

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