Chrystal !!!! My Wife! Woman of God!! First and foremost I want - TopicsExpress


Chrystal !!!! My Wife! Woman of God!! First and foremost I want you to know that I am proud to be your Husband! You are a rare find in this world and I am thankful to the Lord that I have a True Woman of God! You have come a long ways and it is an honor to bear witness to the blessed walk that you have with Christ! It is a real and true walk! God has given you solid grace in the name of Jesus Christ! I know that in this world there are those who do not truly serve the Lord, and sometimes we get surrounded by those who are still lost in the wickedness of the world! They might even claim to know Jesus, but their actions and their ways show different, they bear no reflection of Christ, making their claim to the Lord false and not of the Holy Spirit, but of the selfish ways of the flesh! Without reason they show whats in their heart by gathering with others who are just as loaded down with the evil nature of the flesh that is in the world, and they vent their ignorance towards anything or anyone who truly serves God the Father of Jesus Christ! Pray for them! Without cause they place their foolish ways and false sense of godliness in the direction of those of us who do not partake in their foolish lifestyles! They fool themselves thinking it is alright to persecute those who have repented and are now in the body of Christ! It is not alright, they place themselves in the cross hairs of Gods Wrath by waging war against Gods Children!! Remember that Jesus said: If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it Hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. - John 15:18-19 !!! Consider it a joy when they hate you for no true reason because it is exactly like Jesus predicted when He said that it would be like this for those of us who have given our lives to Christ in the fullness of Gods will! Dont let them bring you out of your truth and glory to God just because they find it easier to live in contempt to the truth concerning salvation through Jesus Christ! Those who serve Christ, Reflect Christ! Those who do not serve Christ.. well you already know - they do not! You have given your life to Christ and God knows you! I respect and honor the fact that we share all things to the glory of God! Those who are not yet really serving in the truth, I ask that you find it in your heart to forgive them, and I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that they will come from out of the darkness and blindness as well as the hatefulness of their ways and truly walk the walk that is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord!! God does not find it funny when wickedness tries to persecute His Children! Pray for them before our Lord gives them over to the very wickedness that they expose! I am so thankful to the Lord that you are an outsider to the foolishness of the world! Know that God and Jesus Christ and all the Soldiers of Christ and all the Brothers and Sisters of Christ are with You! Dont let the world get to you Baby! Jesus said that there would be days like this! Pray for them! In the Name of Jesus Christ, I Love You! Amen!!!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:46:31 +0000

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