Cindy Andrews Peterson Rocked it this morning , she and I went - TopicsExpress


Cindy Andrews Peterson Rocked it this morning , she and I went kitten hunting, we had a few laughs (well actually a lot coz if she got stuck I was going to run to her van and grab my phone and take pictures) anyhow she got up in a pontoon boat and looked in every nook. corner, hole, you name it she looked, then ta-da, she saw fur, she wasnt quite sure if it was a kitten, a squirrel, a mouse, a raccoon, then she said its a kitten, so she passed it to me only to find out there was another one, woop wooop, two kittens about 4 to 5 weeks old, then we went over to a shed and we found a dead orange sweetie who just for whatever reason wasnt supposed to live in this world. As this did break our hearts, we still stayed focused and know we save more then we loose, so please every one congratulate Cindy for her hard work this morning she sure was a trooper, and she sure was not leaving that place till we brought a couple home, Will post pictures later, they are so cute. We set them up, gave them food, they were hungry, very scared, but I think they will be ok. still seeing a baby who didnt make it can really wreak your day, but seeing, touching, snuggling, and capturing 2 made it all worth our while!!! ;) By Cindy Andrews Peterson went kitten hunting this Sunday morning in Naples. found 2 babies about 4 to 5 weeks old in a pontoon boat that was wrapped in plastic. appears Momma may have moved them from a shed. gorgeous babies. momma tore a hole in the plastic. we got in the boat lifted cushions. than i smelled it, yup lifted up a cushion and there was little turds and kitty pee. there was a hole that went into a cubbie where the battery was, i stuck my head in and saw a little furry thing tucked in a crevice. i climbed in, sat down and reached in and pulled it out as i passed it to Steph another came out and i grabbed it. i reached in the crevice and i did not feel exciting. so happy we found and caught them. the sad part is we found a little dead orange one in the shed..... please spay and neuter your pets. there are so many programs out there that can help. just have to make a few calls. try the local vets. call 211. there are always clinics, check with your local shelter. The people that live there said cats just started showing up. only takes one unspayed female and a roaming Tom down the street to start a feral colony. those people are awesome and have built them shelters and feed and water them. they did the responsible and humane thing by calling the Cat Coalition of Western Maine.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:20:54 +0000

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