Civil War fact of the day. On this day in 1864, John Hunt Morgan - TopicsExpress


Civil War fact of the day. On this day in 1864, John Hunt Morgan proposed another raid into Kentucky. RICHMOND, January 27, 1864. Honorable J. A. SEDDON, Secretary of War: SIR: I have the honor to submit to you a project for a fresh invasion of Kentucky, for which I am anxious to obtain your approval, together with the assistance of the Government, to enable me to put in into execution. I would (at the head of the remains of my old brigade, which, in case of your approval of my plan, must be ordered to report to me immediately at Abingdon or some other point in Western Virginia) cross the Cumberland Mountains at or near Pound Gap and proceed in a northerly direction through London and Richmond toward Lexington and Covington, tearing up and destroying the railroad and bridges between those places. Whilst thus pursuing my northerly course I would sweep Eastern Kentucky of its cattle, handing them over to trusty employes of our commissary department, who would accompany me, that they might be driven with all possible dispatch within our lines. A large number of cattle might thus be collected, forming an important addition to the stock of provisions for our army at home. As the enemy would without a doubt turn all his attention to my movements, and as I should be advancing north whilst the plunder was being driven south, there is little fear but that these droves, under a sufficient guard to protect them from home guards and bushwhackers, would reach our lines in safety. There is another point of great importance to be gained by this projected inroad. The Yankee Government has now in Kentucky some 15,000 cavalry horses, sent to recruit their condition in the comfortable homesteads and on the rich grass of that country. These would be to us at the present moment an invaluable spoil and a loss to our enemy irreparable for some months at least. Those among them which may not be fit for service must be killed to prevent their being used against us hereafter, a precedent established by them during the last campaign and which we may now fairly employ against them. It has of late been the constant theme of the Northern press that our cavalry raids are of less magnitude and not conducted with the same vigor as formerly. They assume from this that our means of aggression and our energies are decreasing in the same ratio. Give me, sir, only the assistance I now claim, and they will no longer vaunt themselves that the vigor of our cavalry is diminished, or that our determination to resist their invasion and to hurl it back upon them when practicable is one whit less energetic than heretofore. The important results to be obtained by this invasion require further consideration. I may, without vanity, assume that my advent in Kentucky will draw off the whole of Burnsides cavalry and a portion of his infantry in my pursuit; and if, which forms part of my programme, a second column of cavalry, under the command of some experienced officer, cross the Cumberland Mountains between Cumberland and Pound Gaps, proceeding through Danville and Shelbyville to effect a junction with me at Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky, whilst Colonel Woodward with his regiment crosses the Tennessee River betwixt Nashville and Clarksville, these three simultaneous attack would have the effect of withdrawing a large portion of the Yankee army from Generals J. E. Johnstons and Longstreets fronts, relieving them from pressure, and giving them room to attack in their turn; the more particularly as at the present moment, if I am rightly informed, the Northern Army is greatly reduced by the number of two months furlough granted to the re-enlisting men, whilst it has not yet received the expected re-enforcements from the conscription. To insure success no time ought to be lost; the expeditions ought to march about the end of February. The material results would be of the utmost importance, viz: The re-establishment of the morale of our cavalry; the prestige of having struck the first successful blow of this campaign; the temporary retreat, or even the entire withdrawal, of the enemys cavalry from the position it now occupies in Tennessee; the immense destruction the position it now occupies in Tennessee; the immense destruction of quartermaster and commissary stores; railroads damaged and all communication by rail with the North put a stop to; whilst our commissaries would receive most welcome supplies and our cavalry the needed remount. I take once more the liberty of impressing my project upon your favorable consideration and soliciting an early reply. I have the honor to be, sir, with respect, your obedient servant, JNO. H. MORGAN, Brigadier-General, C. S. Army.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:15:58 +0000

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