"Clairvoyance is the spiritual gift of seeing. With our - TopicsExpress


"Clairvoyance is the spiritual gift of seeing. With our clairvoyance we can envision the potential future, the already occurred past, and even concurrent events. We can peer into the soul of another or lift the veil of the universe’s mysteries. We can see. Fields of light surround each of us. These are energetic boundaries that emanate from each cell, organ, and energy center, or chakra. Programmed by our inner cell, these fields decide what of the outside world we’re going to let in—or keep out. If we’re heart-centered, we’re going to notice what is good in the world. We are going to receive the support and love (and yes, life lessons) we need to fulfill our spiritual mission. We will refuse the situations, people, and traumatic events that don’t align with our true self. We’ll also “tune out” the messages that fail to match what is truly for our own and others’ higher good. Using our clairvoyance, in our own special and unique way, is key to seeing what’s really going on and deciding what to do (or not to do) about it. Sometimes we have to switch the lens through which we see life to make different—and potentially healthier choices. Establishing and maintaining truth-centered energetic boundaries assures us of the strength and power we need to select a path and stay on it. Together, these are two mechanisms important for just plain living a love-based life, one in which a tiny ripple in a lake can produce as huge a result as a magnificent wave in the ocean. Together, these two factors can enable us to direct ourselves clearly through all crossing points. And isn’t every moment in life a choice point? Isn’t every decision a choice between remaining as we are versus becoming even more of the spirit we already are?" --excerpt from Reality Sandwich article I was really resonating with last night in seeking a little help for navigating all these shifts going on with the Supermoon and this period of time. Highly recommend reading the whole article!" Thank You Natalie!! ♥
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 01:36:40 +0000

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