Clarence, This Thursday, the U.S. Senate will begin hearings - TopicsExpress


Clarence, This Thursday, the U.S. Senate will begin hearings on the nomination of Janet Yellen to be President Obama’s next Federal Reserve Chair. So I’m going to put this as bluntly as I possibly can. With Senator Rand Paul’s announcement that he’s holding this nomination to force Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to allow a debate and vote on Audit the Fed, you and I are facing the best opportunity in 100 years to finally expose this secretive and destructive institution. Our success or failure all boils down to this: HEAT. . . . How much heat can we turn up on the U.S. Senate? That’s why, today, Campaign for Liberty is announcing an emergency Audit the Fed Money Bomb. Our goal is to raise $250,000 by November 22. That’s a lot, I know, but that’s what it’s going to take to pay for the mail, email, newspaper ads, and more that you and I will need to force the U.S. Senate on record. The great news is, you and I have the numbers to win. In fact, a new Rasmussen poll last week showed that 74% of the American people support a Fed audit! But polls aren’t enough. You and I MUST mobilize these folks to take action. Already, I’m hearing from sources inside the U.S. Senate that they’re receiving phone calls AGAINST auditing the Fed! My guess is those calls are likely being ginned up by slick K Street lobbyists who understand forcing the Fed to open its books would result in the end of their fat-cat clients feeding off of the government dole. Clarence, let me be clear . . . The Federal Reserve was Congressman Ron Paul’s top target and priority for over 30 years because this institution serves as the very foundation on which today’s Big Government has been built. Period. Now, I’m asking you to help me take a SLEDGEHAMMER to that foundation. Without your support for this Audit the Fed Money Bomb, the fight will be lost before it even begins. The statists will do anything and everything they can to stop you and me from finally proving to the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to: *** Ever-expanding Big Government boondoggles like “ObamaCare.” Now that politicians have figured out the Fed will just create money out of thin air to pay the bills when taxing and borrowing can’t make ends meet, the floodgates have been blown open wide for BOTH parties’ statist utopian plans; *** Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation; *** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money decreases; *** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize their money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it. In fact, I’m afraid this is where we’re headed without your action today. Right now, our nation is mired in more than $17 TRILLION in national debt. That’s more than $150,000 per taxpayer. The secretive Federal Reserve stands behind the scenes, enabling it all while they bail out their cronies both here in the U.S. and overseas. In fact, earlier this year, news broke that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke bailed out overseas banks to the tune of one TRILLION dollars. Yet virtually all of the Fed’s actions are done in secret. What else are they hiding? How can we allow this rogue institution to continue operating in secret and holding the entire American economy in the palm of its hands? How can we allow it to continue picking winners and losers, bailing out some and creating money out of thin air to benefit a few while the rest of us pay the price? Clarence, if our Republic is to be saved, this MUST end. But I’m going to need your help. Of course, I’m not going into this fight naively. I believe this could be the political fight of our lives. And with your help, Campaign for Liberty is going to be ready for anything. But I must have your support
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:37:03 +0000

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