Clark Family Update: Day 169 Wednesday December 3rd 9:00 am Day - TopicsExpress


Clark Family Update: Day 169 Wednesday December 3rd 9:00 am Day 74 at home Chase Update: We are approaching the 6 month mark in this journey. Can you believe it has been less than a year, it feels like a lifetime ago. Chase is very independent. His sisters help him tie his shoes, and he sometimes needs helps with the buttons of his shirts, but His fine motors skills with his left hand are improving slowly. He only has PT twice a week now, and he is getting strong again. His speech improves every week. People who arent around him on a regular basis can understand most of what he says now. There are a lot of letters hes not so good at saying. Vs, Fc, and Ls seem to be the most difficult. He just cant seem to get his mouth to move right. We just have to keep reminding ourselves it has been less than 6 months when their is frustration. Chase is only on one medication right now, and it is to prevent seizure activity. He will be one this for at least two more months. He has never had a seizure, but anytime their is injury to the brain, or in this instance another surgery the risk of seizure is significantly higher. We cheer every time he finishes the final pill from a bottle. As far as attitude, well lets just say it depends on the day. He recognizes the importance of it, but he is tired of therapy, and Dr.s appointments. I know that feeling. This last surgery was difficult for him. He has told me in no uncertain terms,that he is not doing it again. I understand that, we are waiting to hear back from the DR. but it will probably stay in and we will hope there are no complications in the future. Apparently it was supposed to come out within a month of going in, but its easy to see how it was overlooked. Things are pretty much normal on the sibling front. Chase is in the shower complaining about being cold because Brooklyn has the door open so she can see in the mirror, she is arguing about it fogging up, and he is telling her to get out. Im laughing because the bathroom upstairs is empty, and I can understand every word from the other room. Little miracles disguised as bratty siblings. Our family has gone through a lot of changes this last year, and change is usually uncomfortable. Phil and I are navigating back toward each other. Its an uncomfortable thing to realize you can survive without each other, and another uncomfortable thing to figure out how to get back to each other when life has created a chasm. Its incredible to love another person so much, and still be scratching your head and trying to figure out how you pulled away from them without realizing it. So this is our challenge, and we realized a major part of that Chasm is because we havent been praying together. Survival mode tends to be so full of daily life that things get pushed aside. We are attempting each week to pick one thing that the other would like us to work on. this week I was asked to be more patient, and in return I asked him to participate and instigate more family time. The secret to any relationships is the willingness of both parties to make it successful. The secret to any amazing relationships is to do the same, and include God in it daily. Our love has never faltered, but I am working on getting my friendship with my best friend back on the top of my priority list. The Miracle in all of this is knowing that we will be even stronger because we fought for each other. We were blessed to have my Mom and Dad with us this last week. Everything is just better when my Mom and Dad are here. They calm me, and quietly go about life in a way that make me feel a littler saner, and a little stronger. It was difficult to leave them at the airport and drive away. I could have never made it through this experience without them. I wanted to give a public shout-out to my sister Kayla, and her family. While my parents were in North Dakota with me this summer, she held both of their businesses, and their home together while they were with me in Minot after the accident. She did all of that while raising four kids and building a house. Talking with my parents this weekend has really brought the reality of her sacrifice to light. I know it must have taken a toll on her Husband and kids, so thank you for making a difficult time easier. I can feel change coming. The feeling has been hounding me since last January, and I would have thought the last 5 1/2 months would have met the requirement for that change, but alas its only getting stronger. We have accepted that change internally and verbally as a family. We have made a commitment with the Lord that whatever he has in store for us we will accept. He doesnt have to humble us, or test us. We are ready and willing, and we are prayerfully asking him to guide us to the path of least resistance that the change may come easily and that we will recognize his hand in that change. We really dont know what it is, It could be a new job, a new state, new health issues, new callings in the church, it could be all of the above, but with the strength of a untied family, a Legion, and The Lord, we will be prepared. This week my prayers are full of gratitude for the Legion of friends and family we have. 6 months ago the idea of this Legion would have been incomprehensible. I pray that you can continue to find the miracles in the small moments. I pray you have grown in the last 6 months as we have grown. I pray that your level of trust in the Lords has grown, and that you have come to understand that he has a plan for each of us. I pray that you learn to listen to the voice of his spirit, and to let it guide you even when the world is telling you it ludicrous. I pray you have a new love for your family, and that you cleave to them. That you find joy in the moments you are in now in stead of wishing for better ones. I pray as we approach this Christmas season that you are able to give the gift of service. That you are able to touch someone else, to let them know of Gods love for them, and that he is aware of them and their needs. I promise you that if you ask to be someones miracle, the Lord will use you. May your Christmas season be full of Christ, may the knowledge that he Lives, and that he loves you swell your hearts with joy. May you take that Joy, and that Christlike love, and bless all you come in contact with. May you stand as a beacon of light and hope in a world that feel hopeless, that because they know you they will want to know HIM. This is my prayer to you, and your family this holiday season. May the Lord bless you and keep you until we meet again. We are Legion! Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:47:25 +0000

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