Clean up after yourself.............that means YOU! We live in - TopicsExpress


Clean up after yourself.............that means YOU! We live in a society, now, that relies on others to clean up after us, all the while believing and bellyaching that global change must occur in order to save our planet from a “man-made” planetary climate change. For those of you old enough to remember, back in the ’70s there used to be public service announcements that would show images of rivers and streams, forests and meadows, all covered in garbage and then an image of an old Native American man with tears streaming down his face. The message was clear and simple. Perhaps if we had listened then, we wouldn’t be living in an over-polluted world now. The PSAs were eventually pulled, the lesson was lost and the littering continues unabated. Perhaps if this personal responsibility were enforced and littering fines were actually levied and not just left to be another unenforced law, things would change. I wonder, too, just how much money would have been raised through the fining of these wrongdoers. Would it have offset the tax burden on law-abiding, non-polluting citizens? When traveling abroad, I found the amount of trash in the streets was a telltale sign of how good a country was. Unfortunately for us, we are no longer leading by example. Living in this service-oriented, capitalist-driven experiment has left us lazy and complacent. Someone gets paid to clean up after us, right? I, however, wish we didn’t need you. I wish people lived with a sense of personal responsibility for their environment and world, a world which is much better off with far less garbage destroying its beauty, ecosystems, rivers, oceans and forests. And for those of you who throw your crap out of your car or onto the streets, or just leave it lying around: YOU ARE THE CLIMATE CHANGE, I speak of. You are worse than locust plagues that leave nothing behind. Trash your house, not mine. Can we ever live in a climate of change for the better, or are we already doomed by our own overindulgent laziness? Time will tell.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:07:24 +0000

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