Coffee Cup Corner © By Michael J. Cofran The musings of a - TopicsExpress


Coffee Cup Corner © By Michael J. Cofran The musings of a lunatic in a neurotic world Listening to the same old arguments of the pseudo-intellectual sub-intelligent excuses for bi-pedally motivated hominids in the world is amusing. Islam is the only way to go, no no! Christianity is the only way to go, no! Judaism is the thing, or Atheism, evangelicalism, or secularism is the answer. For somewhere close to 10,000 years we have been having the same old tired arguments from those who profess there is only their way or no way to some kind of nirvana where the perfect utopia lies. I have yet to hear from any of these professed genius’ anything except the blind faith following of their interpretations of any of their “holy” books, and then the only thing I can infer from those interpretations is they all call for the subjugation of the spirit of humanity. According to most of those I have heard, no matter what religion or sect it is, is that everybody else is an unbeliever and only their faith is the true faith. In addition, anyone who does not follow their interpretation of the “holy book” is going to die a horrible death, either figuratively or literally, and go to a place of terrible ravaging by their God, no matter what that Gods name is. All of the foregoing has one thing in common though, and that commonality is what is destroying the world. All of the different sects or religions - Christians or Muslims or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists – would, if given the chance, rule the world with their religious books interpreted by men as the true word of their Gods, and that is a dangerous concept, if you think about it. Those who founded this country and gave to the world a unique system of governance were braver, and far more intelligent than anyone I see today. Those who gave their lives and fortunes to the idea of a constitutional democratic republic where each man or woman, no matter what they believe or where they come from, are all equal in the eyes of the Creator were far ahead of anyone alive today. Think for a minute! Our constitution defines the principles upon which this country is based, acting as a limiter of power, by establishing lines, which our elected representatives cannot cross. The word Democratic comes from the Greek word demokratia or rule of the people, and a Republic is a form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people through representatives chosen by those same people, to whom certain powers are specially delegated. Our Constitution guarantees each American Citizen, in writing, as a legal document, not as some living piece of old worthless paper, as some have described it, with certain unalienable rights and backed by a written bill of rights, stating what the limitations and the responsibilities of the government are to the citizens of this nation. We have been under attack for some time now by those who would destroy this Constitutional Democratic Republic, and replace it with a form of autocratic socialism (look that one up for yourself). Moreover, it does not matter how they try to disguise it, whether in the form of some religious autocracy or Marxist ideology which is now trying to replace the system we have had in place for the past 250 years. We as citizens of this great country, must always remain alert, steadfast, and loyal to ourselves and our fellow countrymen to the principles of our Constitution. We must always remain vigilant if we are to remain true to the most basic premise of the Constitution that all men, and women, anywhere on the face of this planet, are born with the inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. Just a few things to think about as we come, once again, together as a nation to try to decide which way we would like to go in the future. Do we regress to the failed repressive ideologies of the socialist systems of the past century such as Nazism, Communism, Fascism and Imperialism or do we improve upon our constitutionally guaranteed democratically elected Republic and live as a free people of the world, and a light for those oppressed by these autocratic systems.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:28:01 +0000

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