Col Saeed has sent this article for your valuable judgement. - TopicsExpress


Col Saeed has sent this article for your valuable judgement. Conspiracy theory unleashed by Nawaz Sharif While 99% Pakistanis are convinced that last national elections held on 11th May, 2013 were rigged extensively, same are the views of 90% political parties, present in the Parliament. - Theres a core of truth to all these charges . Unfortunately, system in place does not possess enough teeth to provide relief to affect tees. Sadly enough, this system supports those politicians, whose earning and wealth making process is dependent on this type of election. A common voter whether likes it or not, votes for or otherwise, system in place will elect and select these politicians time and again through this mechanism. Entire nation is hijacked by few dominant political families. In every election, these families steal election by hook and crook, by adopting heinous and inappropriate methods. Constitution Articles from 8 – 38 are ignored and put on back burner, since these articles talk about rights of citizens. Therefore, under the circumstances, constitution is only for men of importance sitting in parliament. Ill reputed and corrupt politicians, whose cases are pending in NAB and various courts of Law spoke loudly to support sham democracy. I believe, a meek personality of Nawaz Sharif, has further been strangulated by these politicians to ensure that he will continue to take support of their crutches and succumb to their pressures, at the time of need. Supposedly, in the times to come, in return of support extended, immeasurable gains are likely to accrue to these politicians. Most importantly, bashing to Army in the Parliament has greatly been painful to every citizen of Pakistan and been viewed disquietly. To examine prevalent impasse, one need to look and understand recent past happenings. - PML (N) needed very badly an escape goat, to shift the attention of public from rigged elections, because matter did not die as usual as been happening in past, rather PTI clung to its stance. - To discredit PTI of their arguments and stance of rigged elections, PTI had to be maligned in a manner that it loses its creditability in the eyes of public. Therefore, easiest way is to label PTI’s stance as conspiracy against democracy. This tactics has conveniently been implied by politicians in last 66 years. Cases of ANP, Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Habib Jalib and some Baloch and Sindhi leaders labeled as traitor for decades by ruling class, are well cited. Our history therefore, tells us that words like traitor and conspiracy have remained very potent tools in the hands of ruling class, which was used indiscremently against its opponents. But rulers failed to realize that electronic media has brought enormous awareness among Pakistanis, who remain live to the happenings on day to day basis. To achieve this aim, nexus of PTI and Pak Army was propagated, extensively. It served two goals. Firstly put PTI on back foot and secondly discredit Army . Question remains - why Nawaz has a problem with Army. There are some important reasons, which continue to haunt and harbor doubts and fears about Army among ruling class, and became an utter necessity for Nawaz government to quickly align Army to a conspiracy .Thinkable salient’s are : 1) Out of sheer personal inherent habit, difficult for Nawaz to maintain cordial relation with Army chief. In his last two tenures, he had disposed of two Army chiefs, however was caught in the line of fire, in case of Musharaf. In addition, enjoyed highly strained relations with Gen Waheed Kakar and paid the price . 2) Overwhelming 2/3rd majority for PML(N) has always brought problems to Nawaz family, since on having received this majority, Nawaz family always lost sense of direction. Both the brothers start ignoring and alienating themselves from even closest supporters and function through the support of kitchen cabinets. Nawazs kitchen cabinet comprises of Kh Asif, Kh Saad Rafique, Ahsan Iqbal, Pervez Rasheed and Ch Nisar. These gentlemen are well known for their immature and infantile behavior and unfortunately their status in cabinet does not match their mental level. They are perfectly imperfect to hold important ministries. Their childish actions in recent crises, are vivid examples. On takeover of Musharaf, these gentlemen were harshly treated. Resultantly, rather than learning lessons, kitchen cabinet keeps Nawaz ill advised on many matters including Army. Nawaz Sharif is not reputed to hold enough astuteness and prudence commensurating premiership and differentiate between right and wrong. 3) In case of Musharaf, by all means Nawaz wanted to see him behind bars. As an institution, Army advised him not to go for it, because Musharaf had been a popular Army Chief , therefore could lead to an unrest among Army officers and lower ranks. Being from SSG, he enjoyed additional support of commandos, who are employed mostly as body guards with various VIPs. 4) On various occasions, Army chief advised him to resolve lingering issue of elections with PTI and register belated FIR on incident of 17th June about killing of 14 persons and injuring more than 80 persons of Minhaj ul Quran senselessly and unprovokedly. It was very difficult for Nawaz Sharif to go against his self, his brother and party men. Surely, repeated demand of Army chief on this account irked him and considered it as indulgence in political affairs and beyond the scope of Amy chief. Having been weakened with the blame and charge sheet of rigged elections, corruption, kick backs exposed, lastly incident of 17th June, brought tangible fears in the hearts of heart . Against the wishes of most of the politicians, Army is well respected institution, therefore not easy to undermine and discredit it before public. 5) As per immediate version of Geo TV, Plot of firing on Hamid Mir was hatched by DG ISI. Again, on imprudent and injudicious advise of Pervez Rasheed, Nawaz preferred to visit Hamid Mir at Agha Khan hospital, Karachi rather dispelling the wrong notions of involvement of DG ISI. In addition, outside hospital while talking to press, Pervez Rasheed blatantly and deliberately without a proof, showed government’s sympathy towards Geo TV rather supporting DG ISI and Army. It was viewed as conspiracy against Army / ISI on the part of Nawaz government. Confirmed reports are received that number of police officers have refused to act on Government orders in the absence of written orders. Refusal of Police officials to act on verbal orders has cogent reasons. Attack on Minhaj ul Quran was carried out on the instructions of Punjab Government, but later once matter worsened, every one at Provincial level disassociated himself from this tragic incident and buck stopped at Police. To save Government of Shehbaz Sharif, Law minister Rana Sana Ullah resigned. Now a days, such gimmicks do not satisfy appetite of highly aware public. Having failed to shoulder responsibility of given orders, trust deficit has arisen prominently among rulers and its functionaries. It shows total lack of trust and authority of government’s functionaries on rulers. The problems are too prominent to ignore, and Government instead preferred to take shelter in parliament and seek support of condemned politicians, who again do not enjoy even half hearted public support . Speeches full of lies are being told on the floor of the house in the name of democracy , but unfortunately it is an effort to save hypocrisy. Prime Minister has lied on the floor of Parliament. Cursed be such democracy, which cannot provide justice to common person. System of tyranny cannot work very long. So sad that while enjoying all the possible amenities of life himself, workers of PAT sitting in the lawn of parliament were termed as gypsies by Mehmood Uchakzai. He is the same person, who has revolted against Pakistan, on numerous occasions. Incident of burning of Quaid residency at Ziarat was termed as dismantlement of imperialist signs. Most important and immediate question remains, did people vote in last elections to elect a government , who would attack a religious institution at midnight with full might without a justification. Later, it became clear that neither any miscreants nor arms and ammunition had been stored there. PAT is being supported by Poor and down trodden people. Almost over 150 schools are established in different parts of the country by PAT, where education is being imparted, free of cost. Since government has denied indigenous discourse to PTI and PAT . At this stage, while government is in absolute dilemma, at same time it’s behavior exhibits lack of resolve and commitment to tackle on going crises. Instead of coming to fore, through meaningful dialogue in larger national and public interest, government is set to blame its most prestigious institution and malign it to a degree that it may damage its very fiber. Rather than relying on false suppositions, to find a doable solution on critical and central concerns, after seemingly endless dithering, meaningful dialogues have not started to address two core issues, firstly proper investigation into rigged elections and secondly arrests of culprits involved in the incident of Minhaj ul Quran. Efforts being shown for settlement are too little, too late. Degrading and calling followers of Tahir ul Qadri with different names has further added insult to injury. Nawaz Sharif has thumbing majority on papers, but unfortunately public has different view , entirely opposite .
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:34:48 +0000

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