Coming to terms wiith the inescapable conclusion that I think - TopicsExpress


Coming to terms wiith the inescapable conclusion that I think differently from most people I have encountered in my life so far, I have come to a crossroads. This crossroads, unlike the usual definiton, has many different routes I can take, yet because of the infancy of my dicovery, I feel it is too soon to yet choose a path in which to follow. This inevitably lends the contemplation of the thought: what now. After careful experiment, I have noticed the trend among those that I discuss my personall quarrels with seems to be that I am still young, and that I should be more carefree in my endeavours and in the use of my time. However, as tantalizing an idea as that is, I continuously find myself analyzing my actions and what I spend my time on based on its value throughout the rest of my life. Towards the positive end of that spectrum lies my recent and increasing interest in astrophysics by reading literature and attepting to conduct my own investigative research into the current happening of the scientific realm. On the other end lies such activities as video games, and internet browsing. While I still enjoy the occasional gaming session or parusing reddit, I feel more accoplished i my daily life when I spend it on activities closer to the positive end of the spectrum. Within the past few days, this has led me to the conclusion that starting a blog or other location to write my thoughts and internal discussions may help aleviate my lack of communication with like-minded individuals as well as allow a placr to catalogue my thoughts throughout my lifetime. I am as of yet unvlear on the details but, rest assured, I will provide more information as the time apporaches when such an outlet finally comes to fruition. With that said, I must answer the call of my eyelids by getting some much needed rest. Goodnight.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 04:23:15 +0000

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