Commentary We publish information about the five most important - TopicsExpress


Commentary We publish information about the five most important events happened last week on the market. 1. China may ‘Fine-Tune’ monetary policies amid cash squeeze China’s central bank said it may adjust monetary policy as needed, suggesting officials are more open to loosening policies as a cash squeeze risks exacerbating an economic slowdown. Read more: bloomberg/news/2013-06-23/china-may-fine-tune-monetary-policies-amid-cash-squeeze.html 2. Abe spurs day traders as Japan stock volatility hits 2-year high Sitting before a cluster of computer screens in an apartment with the drapes shut, it took Naoki Murakami seconds to make $3,500 betting $1 million that Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501)shares would fall a fraction of a percent. Read more: bloomberg/news/2013-06-23/abe-spurs-day-traders-as-japan-stock-volatility-hits-2-year-high.html 3. EU ministers not far apart on bank rules: report Finance ministers are close to a deal on common European Union rules for winding down troubled banks, despite a breakdown in talks Saturday morning, German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said. Read more: marketwatch/story/eu-ministers-not-far-apart-on-bank-rules-report-2013-06-23 4. Why did the G-8 let trade freeloaders get away? The last G-8 meeting, held in Northern Ireland on June 17-18, failed to tackle growth-stifling trade imbalances in the world economy. That was a disappointing outcome of a talk fest which cost taxpayers about $2,000 per delegate per day. Read more: cnbc/id/100837347 5. Ben Bernanke is right to keep on buying bonds, and to explain when he might stop FOR the past six weeks financial markets have been in a tizzy about “tapering”—central-bank jargon for the process by which the Federal Reserve plans to slow the pace at which it prints money to buy bonds (“quantitative easing”), from the current clip of $85 billion a month. Read more: economist/news/leaders/21579846-ben-bernanke-right-keep-buying-bonds-and-explain-when-he-might-stop-clearer
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 03:25:16 +0000

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